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Everything posted by Rojin

  1. Thank you! My purpose for this action is to simulate the camera movement for the shot, not to get a final render. I wanted to know what a forced perspective might work for the set. But I have to admit that even that was not easily achievable...
  2. Hello, I have a question about moving in VWX that I cannot find an answer to online. I'm trying to simulate a shot so I can have a better design for the said shot. So imagine this: The shot begins as a close-up with a 35mm focal length, then it zooms out and pans out at the same time. So now my camera is 50mm and further downstage. I have created these two cameras in my vwx file. What I want to do now is to be able to see as my view moves from camera1 to camera 2. (Something like changing scenes in ketchup. How when you click on a new scene you can watch as your view goes to that view.) Is there a way to do this on the software? I need a quick way to keep coming and going between the two cams to keep checking my set. Thank you in advance for your help!
  3. Rojin

    Summer Jobs

    Hello! I came here to ask a Vectorworks question and found this exciting forum! I've been looking into internships and temporary jobs for the summer, remote or hybrid/on-site jobs near Irvine. I would love to hear from you if you think we can work together 🙂 I'm a current MFA student in Scenic design at UCI and I've got a BA in architecture. I'm skilled in designing, drafting, illustration, and more. Please feel free to take a look at my website Rojinbolandbakht.com
  4. Thank you for responding! I'm confused here. I've got 3 NURBS curve now and I can not use the loft on them. Did you mean that I should use the loft tool with one railing and loft the 2 arches? I'm trying to do this but when I select loft tool there is nothing to do with it and the 3 curves.
  5. Hello everyone I've got a vw problem and was wondering if you can help me with it. I have 2 NURBS surfaces that are not similar and angled on the Z surface and I want to create a solid between them. I honestly don't know how to do it! I've not been successful with Loft or Tapered Extrude. Or maybe I'm using them wrong. I appreciate it if you had time and could take a look at it. These are the surfaces and the GP of them. I'm also uploading a vw file if it's needed. 22650191_Untitled2.vwx
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