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    Assoc. Ltg Des
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    CA, USA
  1. Update-I have now had it happen in 2010 as well. Not as frequently as it would happen in 08 but it is still happening.
  2. I did have the same problem for the last 6 months. Installed 2010 and that fixed it : ) Sorry-I never found a real solution.
  3. Thank you and I apologize that you put all of those steps in for me but I have the set up of the label legends down it's your last statement: "...is there a way to change the relationship of the text and the container?" that I am wondering about. The only solution I've found to changing the relationship of the container and the text is by offsetting the container from 0,0 but that makes the container less useful for a wide range of label legends.
  4. THank you for the help- I have deduced that the container's center is over the center of the text but that's actually what I want to be able to adjust. I want to know how to be able to tell the container where I want it to be.
  5. Does anyone know how to specify the placement of a container in a label legend? I know that I can grab the handle and move individual containers around but I want to uniformly change the default placement of some of my containers but have had no succes in being able to do this. Any suggestions?
  6. I have had the same problem but with elements of the label legend disappearing-for example the unit number disappearing. This however was only on a "new" drawing. Nothing was brought in from other drawings. Such a headache.
  7. Thank you-I was looking in the wrong place!!
  8. I know there is a way to render only a portion of a 3D drawing so that you don't have to wait for the entire drawing to rerender but I can't remember how-can anyone help?
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