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Everything posted by samsarj

  1. Hi @Conrad Preen Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately that hasn't worked. It's as if the width is set based on the length of the description, not the width of the description after any text wrapping. Even with the text set to 1pt the width is still as if it was the default text size. It's not a huge priority, just a design decision, and I'm sure it might take time trying to program it in - so not to worry if it's not possible. Thanks, Sam
  2. I would like a drawing to have consistent device widths when adding devices from the device builder. From what I understand, devices that have long descriptions increase the width of the whole symbol to fit that extra text in the single line. So, I begun by changing the 'dev_label_generic' 2D component's text fields to be the width I'd like and I made them wrap the text. This works for the symbols, but when I added new ones with long descriptions, the width of the symbols was still wide with the text wrapped successfully. I then tried changing the box width of 'Basic Device' to be 32 and unticked the box scale horizontally. This made the box the right width but the sockets didn't change. Now I understand that changing the width of the box wouldn't change the device builder's socket placement. But what does? How do I change the width of the sockets to match accordingly to the width of the socket? The attached image illustrates the current problem. Thanks! Sam
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