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Kevin R

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Posts posted by Kevin R

  1. Glad to hear it's not just me. I was beginning to feel like a rookie pain in the a#$...

    Robert, if you're still following this thread, thanks much for the examples, but new issue. Clicking "show/hide plant styles shows some, hides others, shows some elements within 1 symbol while hiding others, etc. Any experience with this?

  2. Robert, I hate to be "that guy" and bombard you, but in working with your suggestion of adding a style to my groups, I now get a script error. "Error 1560 52. You must ALLOCATE the dynarray before using it. It literally gets worse as I go. VW needs more time in R&D.

    OK. What I need to do is: Have a large overlapping mass of simple circle symbols turn into just the outline, with a plant tag visible.Ideally a graphic enhancement like vegetation line would be easily added as well. I need to do this without weird filled polys appearing on every plant group, some tags hiding some not, etc.

  3. Hey there. Thanks in advance for the patience to a new user.

    I'm wondering how I can get an outline around large masses of perennials without the actual plant symbols/circles showing? I want to show just "drifts" for the different groups, while retaining plant group info, plant tags, etc. At the moment my drawing is a million overlapping circles. I figure there has to be a way to do this, but vegetation line doesn't seem to apply...

  4. Cheers, Viper. Once setting spread, you should only have to specify a CUSTOM spread whenever placing that plant.

    Also, more of a interface comment here, but maybe there's a way to change it. Can I see full plant names in the catalog? I've got 50+ species in the design I'm in, and the assigned codes are Greek to me. I'm having to go into the edit box to read what's what.

    Thanks to Katie, Robert, Viper for getting me up and running yesterday.

  5. Hey Robert,

    Restarting fixed it. It's happened in 3 different files today though. Is this a known bug with that command?

    Also, in my earlier question about things being dramatically slowed down inexplicably, I may have found the source of that too. A hedge drawn with a plant line with a solid fill deleted from each of two designs sped things up again. Is that a known bug/ram sapper?

    Thanks for your patience while I get my VW groove...

  6. Reinstall? This is my first VW project. :-/ Geforce 5200.

    What about the plant tool issue I mentioned above? I just started a new project and let the other sit, everything was great until I placed my first plant group. I double clicked to end the command, the plants disappeared, and now again I can't activate the place plant tool.

  7. Just an added note. I know I'm new, and I'm sure that I'll see the light as I learn the ropes, but after my first project effectively froze up (see prior thread. I got past this by STARTING OVER assuming it was perhaps a corrupted file) and am now unable to access the place plant tool as I try to begin my first vectorworks planting plan.

    Where is the moderator from earlier? You kind of dissapeared during my freeze up problem...

  8. Hey all. I'm pulling my hair out here. I've found yet another instance of selecting a command, having it not function, with no error/message as to why. After placing a plant group, then drawing a line, then reselecting the plant tool, it won't activate, it just jumps over to the 2D selection tool. I'm sure this is a great platform once I break my acad habits, but at the moment vworks is seeming quite quirky. Thanks in advance...


  9. Ho there Twetter,

    Thanks. I'll look at those this afternoon. Question: I'm a little green, so I'm not sure if GHz would affect my speed as dramatically as ram. I've got 1.8, is that a +/- for my situation?

    As for the plant styles/draw 3D though, I'm lagging after literally 10 plants, and yes they have both options checked. Gotta be something else... this sucks.

  10. Hey Robert, thanks for checking in. It seems that once I put in a couple of plants with attributes, an otherwise smooth, normal design session grinds to a halt, using any command. It's subtle with 3 trees, then with 20 shrubs added with styles, various species, etc., forget it. I had to export what I had done up to that point into LT to finish the drawing. :-/ I'm trying to get away from it!

  11. Hey Viper X,

    I'm with you. At the moment, I literally can't use it, though. I've been trying to see what it does in different situations/isolate the problem all day. In a brand new doc, I set up the catalog, drew three, and while it was processing I clicked on 2D select tool, and got "Runtime error" and a shutdown. It's definitely the plant catalog/database. In another drawing without plants, it's 10mg of detailed fills/construction areas and it's problem free.

    I'm dying to use Landmark, I'll be severely bummed if we can't resolve this...

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