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Everything posted by kiwi

  1. Interesting! after u,v, index,weight and degres, we have knots... and this time I couldn't find any reference on the pdf's other than the short descriptions on the related functions, and the exemple about the "cos surface". Since, I script each "u" curve and loof them: works not so bad, but don't give a great control over the shape. Will study this Knots: any idea where find more info about how they react to math and trigo? Thanks,
  2. quote: Originally posted by kiwi: Does anyone know why a scrip building a nurb suface with "CreateNurbsSurface()" and "NurbsSetPt3D()" (on the right V and U order) give me a surface smaller than the same points building a 3D poly. A bit like if the surface was build by control instead of interpolation... Is any other nurb function that will create the exact surface describe by my points?
  3. I just try to export a NURBS surface as a VRML file to view on a browser with a a specific plugin... and get a empty file! The original file is generate by our sail design software. He can export as a VRML file, but can't change the colors and don't look so good. Then I import the shape in VW, get my polygons or nurbs the way I whant (light color...), select a high definition and ask renderworks to export the file. 300 mb later my browser (safari or explorer) show a black and empty! Any one has been ussing the VRML with more success? where is the trick!
  4. Does anyone know wy a scrip building a nurb suface with "CreateNurbsSurface()" and "NurbsSetPt3D()" (on the right V and U order) give me a surface smaller than the same points building a 3D poly. A bit like if the surface was build by control instead of interpolation... Is any other nurb function that will create the exact surface describe by my points?
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