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Michael Gillis

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  1. Accurate Moddim Bend Panel VWX Symbol.zip For anyone following and since this is my first dip into using the 3D tools to build something from scratch I will post what finally made me happy after lots of trial and error. It's wild how there seems to be many ways to achieve roughly the same object. To round the curves and give it the lip around the edges I used the create drape surface tool in the 3D Power Pack, point density set to 150 with a depth of 1/2 inch took all the sharp edges away and left me. Since the concave and convex parts are cut out from one solid rectangle I didn't venture down the NURBS path although I will keep that in mind if I'm dealing with more complex surfaces. For how often I get requests to add these Moddim tiles in as scenic it's a shame there's not symbols for all 8 of them. Quest Drape (Quest Events) is the sole distributor and reseller, if you ask them for CAD or shape files they say sorry we don't have anything we don't manufacture them. The "manufacturer" website hasn't been updated in 5 years and they still list a 2017 new designs pdf as the latest thing to download. Contact them and get no reply still to this day. If anyone has a complete set of all the styles that would be wonderful. I know you can do the cheap trick of mapping a picture as a texture but to accurately render different led fixtures and what placement gives what effect, the 3d model is the only way to achieve that detail in renders. Moddim Bend.vwx
  2. Wondering how I can easily extrude the base 18"x18" square so that the spots with red arrows and box will be solid filled and not empty space. If I simply extrude the backing it just overlaps the bent pieces on top.
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