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Everything posted by mvandercruyssen

  1. Thanks Robert and Pat, sounds pretty difficult, but i will give it a go tomorrow 😉 i know where to find you guys if in need!
  2. @line-weight yes first of all i would like to be able to link the text to the symbol. but if it’s possible i would like to have a symbol with a drop down with different text options. This way i can use the same symbol with different specifications without having to change each individual symbol
  3. Hey there community, I'm pretty new with vectorworks, i worked with AutoCAD for 12 years and thought the general way of working would be the same. I think i was wrong, i got to make a lot of electrical designs on 2d plans and would like to automatise as much as possible. In the picture you can see what i'm looking for. Now every symbol and text field are loose, i would like to create a symbol with matching text. This way the alignment will always be correct and i can mak a library that holds all different types instead of retyping the text every time. Please help this newby out !!! Kind regards, Michiel
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