Thanks markdd.
I've tried the glow option before and the problem with this set up is the light from the glow is never contained within the channel, it goes through the wall and basically lights the entire room, obliterating any other lighting that's been set up, and turning the render into a nuclear reactor. See the Third image attached, this entire view is lit with no lights, ambient lighting turned off, but settings set to 4 bounces, lit entirely from the glows that are technically behind the wall and shouldn't be lighting the room.
Second, with the lighting settings to interior 4 bounces it completely overrides any lighting in the render and the scene becomes overly lit with nothing. Second image attached is the glow texture set to 25% and the ambient light set to 4 bounces,
Third image is the lighting settings set to all none, and now everything is just lit by the line lights and glow textures in the monitors. Which looks great, but there's no way to put the light in the channel now.
It's as if there's no way to do this trick without effecting the rest of the render.