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  1. Has anyone had experience exporting documents to archicad? I am trying to figure out a way to make VW and archicad sufficiently compatible to be able to send VW files to a collaborators office for him to print. If I send a dwg file, I have to turn off layers at different scales, and deconstruct 3d objects. Archicad is also model based but doesn't seem to see my 3d objects.Maybe I am just not getting the settings right when I export!
  2. I am a relatively new user of VW, one of the last to lay down my lead holder. My drafting on VW has gotten fast but I am still confused about structuring the set. The set I am currently working on is a collection of fifteen separate documents. I would like to send it out to a print shop but I have two problems. First, if I use a print shop which is VW friendly, there is a set up charge for each file (prohibitive with 15 files!)Second, if I use a print shop which isn't VW friendly,do I need to create a plot file in some other program? If so, which programs do you recommend? OK, I have more than two problems. Is there a way to paste my drawings into a set created by VW? My drawings already have multiple layers which probably have no relationship to the standards in the program. Is it too late for this project? Lastly, I would love it if you would do a training seminar on this and other issues related specifically to architecture. Thanks
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