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  1. i am trying to organize VW library. I have a few colours and hatch patterns which I create for a specific brand ( retail brands fixture I am designing for) appreciate if you could share how you go about doing it?
  2. 2: Start by using the reshape tool like you are now. Hit TAB. A floating data bar will appear next to your cursor. If there are multiple values hitting tab will cycle through them. Once you are at the value you want to change ether type in the value you want or use the arrow key to unhighlight the value and get the cursor so you can type in a - or + or * or / and a value. thks. this is what I am looking for.... a red dotted line appear define the new length after I type in (Y: 1000-100). but I cant shape it to meet the red dotted .line
  3. assuming I draw a 1000mm x 1000mm rectangle. and I want to shorten one side of length by 100mm, using the reshape tool > move edges parallel mode. can I type in the shorten length value of 100mm? I hope there's way to do it like in autocad.
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