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  1. Matt, Hey thanks for the tip! I was able to use your advice to get the solution I wanted! Kudos to you, sir! Best. Sergio
  2. Matt, Thanks for your response. I was able to figure out a way to solve this issue by making the side light a little bit shorter in width, which ultimately consolidated the overall length of the entire door unit in both the x & y directions, which got me closer to where I wanted to place the vertical muntin in the door transom. In the future, is there a better way to model a door/transom/side lite combo? Perhaps an individual door, coupled with two custom windows on the top and side, respectively? Thanks in advance! Best, Sergio
  3. Quick question about the 'Bar Offset' Function within the 'Muntins' tab of the 'Transom' Editor of a Door; I would like a vertical bar to be offset a few inches to align with the Right Jamb of the Door. The Default for Vectorworks 2017 is to place it in the middle of the transom. But when I try to change the value of that bar offset, It will not let me. I cannot even highlight the value with my cursor. The parameter appears to be editable like the rest of them above it, however when I can click in the box, I am not able to. Would anyone know how to remedy this issue? Thanks
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