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Patrick Thompson

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Posts posted by Patrick Thompson

  1. It was an issue with not having a drawing label for the scale to reference so it defaults to engineering values even though your drop down scale is in feet and Inches. It could be a function of our title block data... 

  2. Hey All, 

    Playing with breakouts and distributor objects. In its basic form I was hoping to be able to insert a breakout and then either assign it to the "Red" Class and it will color part of itself red or simply apply a fill of red and it will make part of the symbol red. This is especially handy when you are running a report I just want to know that I used x amount of breakouts and not a breakdown of the various colored breakouts I use now as a work around we created in 2017. 

    Anyone have a thought? 


    In most of my research I think there are a lot of users that want some level of this functionality. Does this exist or is this still a wish list item?

  3. This might not be the right forum for this but when duplicating Lighting Instruments that have different heights. IE a boom or tower.  All of the lights will duplicate to the highest height. 


    Anyone seen this ? 


    2024 build 721259

  4. Hey all so I know that when you are using truss when you attach it in a 3d plane IE attach to a corner block , Vectorworks auto creates a separate "3D" instance. Without the Associated record data. Is there a way for this instance to keep its Data records? We use records for numerous counting and cross platform functions. 



  5. Hey all, 

    Looking for a way to create a tool, plug-in or marionette object to insert specific stage structures with or without the associated decking and accessories and be able to set the structure height and or descrete leg height... ie each adjustable structure has 4 legs. When you set the height of the symbol it just moves the symbol up and down as normal but then the legs hover and you would have to change the symbol to the correct leg heights to account for grade etc.. 


    We currently use symbology of all of our stage parts to generate component lists and client drawings but it would be helpful to have a way to set the symbol and legs to a height and then be able to add accessories like locator plates, bracing, and stuff like that. 



  6. That is so convoluted that i do not know where to begin... 


    As in previous versions it was a simple process now its more complex with formulas and things. I get the change to access more parameters but i'm still going to be whiney in that there are more steps to the process..  



  7. Looks like 2018 has changed the way reports are generated.. So How would I now create a report of just symbols and have it count the number of symbols used.. Those options have seemed to of disappear. 


    We used to use this function to create Bill of materials in scaff drawings and structure drawings. 






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