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Everything posted by Vsevolod

  1. Yes, I've checked your code and it runs exactly as you said and what I'm searching for! Thanks, Raymond!
  2. I've been trying to get data from a worksheet by Python script. Here is the basic code: def FindTable(): hLayer = vs.GetParent( vs.FObject() ) vs.EnableDrawingWorksheetPalette(True, None) while hLayer != None: h = vs.FInLayer( hLayer ) while h != None: # worksheet? if vs.GetTypeN(h) == 56: rows, cols = vs.GetWSRowColumnCount(h) cellnum = vs.GetCellStr(h,1,1) vs.AlrtDialog( vs.Concat('Cell 1 ',cellnum,' Name: ',vs.GetName(h),' visible: ',vs.AreWorksheetGridLinesVisible(h),' rows=', rows, ' cols=', cols) ) h = vs.NextObj( h ) hLayer = vs.NextLayer( hLayer ) return 0 It doesn't work and returns 0 rows and columns. I guess "Worksheet container" type is not good and these APIs don't work but the cycle returns only handle with type 56 even without any 'if' condition. Maybe "Worksheet" type is what I'm looking for? types and IDs But how can I obtain it?
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