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Posts posted by Heather
I would love a snap grid option that would set the grid to a fixed size no matter what scale the layer is. for example if I set this to 1/4" and draw a "grid box" on a 1:1 scale layer, the box would print at 1/4", If I again draw a "grid box" only on a 1:2 scale layer, the box would still print at 1/4" This would help those of us that detail parts at differing scales produces beautifully laid out drawings...
Thanks Fuge,
Works Great
Since my drawings have several layer with several scales, I added a little bit to it. (You'll recongnize some of my additions to) When I get a spare minute (ya right) I want to make it so the worksheet is positioned relative to my drawing boarder rather that the page... We also print our drawings on severl printer on different size papers.
Again, thanks a million.
PROCEDURE WSrecalc;LABEL99;CONSTWksName = 'materials'; {The Worksheets name}Top =1; {Worksheet Top}Left=1; {Worksheet Left}Bottom=3; {Worksheet Bottom}Right=3; {Worksheet Right}WSPositionX=3.25"; { X Distance from drawing area }WSPositionY=.875"; { Y Distance from drawing area }
VARWksH,ObHd,WKspls2,WKspls1,WSImage,currentHd : HANDLE;ws1X, ws1Y, ws2X, ws2Y ,d1X, d1Y, d2X, d2Y :REAL;
WksH := Getobject ( WksName );{Checks if the worksheet exists by name}IF WksH = NIL THENBEGINSysbeep;AlrtDialog ( 'The worksheet "Materials" does not exist in this document!' );GOTO 99;END;
currentHd:=ActLayer;Layer('Border');WksH := Getobject ( WksName );ShowWS(WksH,True);SetWSPlacement(WksH,Top,Left,Bottom,Right);RecalculateWS(WksH);ShowWS(WksH,False);WSImage:=GetWSImage(WksH);GetBBox(WSImage,ws1X, ws1Y, ws2X, ws2Y );GetDrawingSizeRect(d1X, d1Y, d2X, d2Y );HMove(WSImage,(d2X - ws2X) - WSPositionX, ( d2Y - ws2Y ) + WSPositionY );Layer(GetLName(currentHd));
AlrtDialog ('The Materials list has be updated');
99 : END;RUN ( WSrecalc );
Is there anyway to find out what the size and location of a worksheet on a drawing and then re-set the location?
When I re-calc my "Materials list" it changes size and I have to manually move it so that the bottom right corner is in the old location. As it is now the top left stays put and everything else changes to suit... I haven't found a vectorscript function that will get or set the "image location".Thanks, Heather
1) Reclac worksheet(s) without having to open it/them.
2) Open a worksheet by double clicking on it on the drawing...
This would be handy for mechanical drafting also... when a string of dims are to short to show the arrows we often have to convert to group and remove the inside arrows so they don't overlap the next dim. Often I replace the arrows with a dot but a slash would be ok to.
Normally in my drawings I use just the primary dimensions (set as fractions) however sometimes in the same drawing I use the secondary dim for a decimal dimension... This used to work not bad (except for the blasted brackets I always have to delete) Tollerencing the secondary dimension is a pain but possible.
In VW 9.5 when I chage a raduis or dia dimension to "dual" I can not turn off the primary dim or get to the seconday dim to delete the brackets.
Is there something I can do to make it work again?
Thanks, Heather
I am making object libraries of our misc symbols. for example I have a file with 100 different bearings all symbols named so that they are arranged neatly in the object browser. This works great. Now, we use a "bubble" with a materails list record formate attached to call up all the items on our drawings. I would like to put some of these bubbles in my libraries already filled in so that when I select a bearing I can also grab the appropriate bubble... so I made bubbles into symbols with the appropriate info.... when I put the bubbles into my drawings I usually have to scale them so that they are the same size on the whole drawing regardless of the layer scale.... when you "convert to group" a symbol with a record attached you loose the record.... Is there any way to either scale an instance of a symbol (something for the wish list... I'd kiss someone for that!) or someway to not loose the record attached to a symbole when it is converted to a group??? PS for some reason some of my "old" (created in V8 or earlier) symbol bubbles do not loose the record
ps2 I am just started using VW9.5 have been using VW & MC for 7 yrs.
(Yes this is a duplicate post from "Tech notes")
I'm not sure but... I think the wider rows is a fix on an old problem. I have an empty column in all my worksheets that I set the text size larger than in the other columns so that text doesn't appear "jammed".... v9 looks good without doing that but now.... text is "jammed" to the left or right of the column... now I have to blank colmns between data colums just to space things out a bit.... seems I can't win.
[ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Heather ]
I am making object libraries of our misc symbols. for example I have a file with 100 different bearings all symbols named so that they are arranged neatly in the object browser. This works great. Now, we use a "bubble" with a materails list record formate attached to call up all the items on our drawings. I would like to put some of these bubbles in my libraries already filled in so that when I select a bearing I can also grab the appropriate bubble... so I made bubbles into symbols with the appropriate info.... when I put the bubbles into my drawings I usually have to scale them so that they are the same size on the whole drawing regardless of the layer scale.... when you "convert to group" a symbol with a record attached you loose the record.... Is there any way to either scale an instance of a symbol (something for the wish list... I'd kiss someone for that!) or someway to not loose the record attached to a symbole when it is converted to a group??? PS for some reason some of my "old" (created in V8 or earlier) symbol bubbles do not loose the record ps2 I am just started using VW9.5 have been using VW & MC for 7 yrs.
[ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: Heather ]
Dual Dims/Tollerances
in Wishlist - Feature and Content Requests
Call me a harpy... or not but months and several updates ago I was told that not being able to show or togle on/off the primary and the secondary dimensions on radius/diameter dims was a bug ...to be fixed
any eta on that fix? It is driving me nuts.
Not to mention the hassel one has to go through to put a tollerance on a secondary dim.