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Paul Dennant

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Everything posted by Paul Dennant

  1. Thank you for help. The Lighting symbol Maintenance is easier thank you but only seams to update current doc however have discovered if I export the symbol from current doc back to the favourites file I am using that works. Hurray was driving me mad and was about to give up
  2. Hi I wonder if anyone here could help. I'm having real trouble altering the data on some symbols that I have created that I could not find in the library anywhere. (Patent 123, patterns 743, source four frensels etc) I have created the symbols by importing a similar symbol making a duplicate and then calling the symbol a new name. Of course this means the data of the light is now wrong. Therefore I am right clicking on the new symbol and clicking edit 2D component then entering the new data under data, light info record then filling in the relevant information when done exiting edit symbol. When I now place the new symbol on my lighting plan it is not updated the info. Have spent couple of days scratching my head on this one any help would be gratefully received
  3. Thank you that is great
  4. Hello I have had a play at creating booms with a Definition and Model layers but now I would like to put the lanterns on after I have created the boom. ie the boom is a FOH position that I want to open in the building template but will not have the same lights on each time. Is there a way to do this or am I really going to have to make a new boom each time the lanterns change
  5. Thanks a lot. yes that has fixed it.
  6. Hello all, I am a new vectorworks user. I have a problem with a template I have set up when I open up the lighting pipe tool, 0 in opions then tick show foot print it has an y off set of -24000mm which when I try the set to 0 just goes back -24000m. anyone know what I have done wrong as if I open a spotlight template all works fine. don't really want to start again as have put ground plan and most of 3d building in my new template set up legends and symbols
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