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Everything posted by Claudio

  1. Hi Peter, Thank you for your reply. I see what you mean and I thought to do that for a moment. Unfortunately, my surveyed area is quite big (around 5,000m2) and that would mean to spend a lot of time in drawing the survey again. I was wondering if another way is possible (I am kind of new to vectorworks) such as hidden functionalities I don't know or scripting in vectorscript. Thank you
  2. Hi all, I am dealing with a survey of some historical buildings for a refurbishment and expansion. The existing is from 1200 - 1500, and I would be happy to be able to convert my 2D shapes into proper walls. By seeking on the internet, I have seen that there is a tool which creates a wall from a polyline, but it is not what I need. Then, I tried to extrude them, but once again it is not what I am looking for. I am talking about proper wall objects able to join to new ones. By doing this I might be able to calculate how much I am demolishing/modifying and to calc a rough expense estimation. Any suggestions or alternative approach? Thank you Claudio
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