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Everything posted by mrtrudeau23

  1. Upgraded to SP3 and it seems to be working now. Can't tell you what was wrong with it, but I'm just happy to have it working right. Thanks for the help!
  2. Tried everything you said. I still can't dimension in the design layer at all. The original file I was trying to dimension was imported from some version of AutoCAD, however that doesn't seem to matter, since I can't even dimension a VW file I created myself. I also did create a new file and send it to a friend, who was able to dimension it just fine. He also sent me a file that he had put dimensions in, but I was not able to add my own to it. We're thinking there is some kind of bug with the software I received. Is this a reasonable assumption? Thanks for your help so far.
  3. I'm fairly new to Vectorworks and am using it for building a show in a few weeks. I have been trying to get dimensions from the drawing I was sent, however nothing I try will let me dimension anything. All the classes and layers are visible and I've tried all types of dimensioning. In the design layer I can't even complete a dimension. I click once with it selected and it kicks me out of the dimension function. I've already talked to a friend, who tried to walk me through everything he thought it would be and we came up with nothing, so I thought I'd try other experts. Please help. Thanks!
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