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Robert Hunte

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Everything posted by Robert Hunte

  1. Hey there, Apologies for the lack of information, I realized a couple of hours after posting that I left off my version etc. So for the record I am using VW2011 SP4 Designer Kevin, Your suggestion was correct and you have summed up correctly what I am experiencing. I will have a look through that help file and have another go today and see if I can get this to work. MK, you are very true, I think i will be building a few more until this process sinks in! I am not too fussed on 3d symbols (yet!) so this part of it isn't too much of a concern. Thanks for the help, I am off to search the help files! Robert.
  2. Hello there, I have finally had the time to delve into creating my own custom symbols for our inventory at the institute I teach. As the inventory has build up over the years we have gained several different versions of lamps (we have 3 different types of PC's for example), and I am attempting to replicate this in the symbols use in our plots. I have googled around and followed a couple of guides available (I have the light plot deconstructed book too) and have worked out how to firsly create a symbol and then convert the symbol to an instrument. Where I am struggling at the moment is saving that instrument in a place that I can access later. I have seen that the base symbols are saved within the document, but I cannot see where the instruments are saved. If I jump into another document and use the symbol all I get is the base symbol and not an instrument. Any help appreciated! If there is an easier way to do this, I am open!! Cheers Robert Hunte.
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