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LD Peter L

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Everything posted by LD Peter L

  1. Does anyone know of a way to change the Legend shown by the key to instrumantation? I have been able to paste one in, but then every time I run the command to recalculate the inventory/instrument count, it resets to the default legend. I would very much like to include the symbols for dimmer and channel in the legend. I have had a few instances on tour where the local theater has swapped dimmer and channel numbers, due at least in part to a lack of a clear legend. Thanks!
  2. Is there some place to change the order of the list of instruments and symbols in a Spotlight drawing? When I setup an inventory report, I would like to be able to put the instruments in a logical sequence. Also for the key to instrumentation, I would like to see all Source 4 ellipsoidals, in beam order, then Pars, etc. They seem to come up in a random order (probably the order I first added the instruments to a drawing 5 years ago ...?). It would also be great if I could get a sensible order in the "replace instruments" command? Any ideas? Thanks.
  3. Thanks Josh, I'd tried that, but forgot to get the 63 foot pipe into the drawing before I tried putting the new symbol name in the symbol field. Now I'm back in business. Peter
  4. I tour with dance companies, using a rep plot built in Vectorworks 2010. The rep plot has 50 foot electrics, but for some venues, this is just not right. I would like to change the lighting position quickly and easily to 40 foot or 63 foot pipes as required, but unlike instruments, there seems to be no simple way to replace Lighting Positions. What am I missing? There always seems to be a way to do what you want in VW, but I can't find this one in manual, knowledgebase or brute force trying everything I can imagine.
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