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Joe Croser

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    London, UK
  1. Many thanks for your interest in Pointools for point cloud model reuse. As a past user of MiniCAD on a Mac in the early 90's (yes I am that old) I see Vectorworks has come a very long way! At Pointools it is our mission to enable reuse of our Pointools POD model file format in every major CAD application. As you probably know, these point cloud models are HUGE ? so you want to be able to reuse the same point cloud model in every CAD and modelling app you use - without paying the time-consuming penalty of translation every time you move from one app to another. We enable this kind of efficient point cloud model reuse by either writing plug-ins (as we have done for a handful of Autodesk apps, Rhino, and SketchUp) or by licensing our platform technology to CAD app developers (as we do with www.Bentley.com, www.safe.com, and others we have yet to publicize). Knowing that a Pointools offering for Vectorworks is in demand by users like you is music to our ears. All the best, jc
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