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Everything posted by kken

  1. kken

    Accurate scale?

    okay thank you everyone for answering my questions. I would be creating another thread for the second question that I have asked earlier. Hopefully will get a reply soon. thanks!
  2. Hello, how do you flatten the drawings in vectorworks? what I wanted to do was to import the file into google sketchup, but some of the lines are not on the same place. I am intending it to be all on the same plane so that I can push and pull everything directly after the import. Thank you for your time!
  3. kken

    Accurate scale?

    So it will be okay if I changed the unit early on before I import the dwg files into vectorwork? also, just to jump off the thread title a little, how do you flatten the drawings in vectorworks? what I wanted to do was to import the file into google sketchup, but some of the lines are not on the same place. I am intending it to be all on the same plane so that I can push and pull everything directly after the import. Thank you for your time!
  4. kken

    Accurate scale?

    Thank you, that has been really informative. Just one final thing, choosing any of the import option in model space;fit to page or scale to fit will not by any means alter the accuracy of the original import unit, isn't it? what I meant is that if the import file has a line of 1000mm long, it will remain just as it is in the new import layer, regardless of what scale I choose, correct?
  5. Hello forumers, I would like to ask, if I would like to keep an imported dwg files at its original scale as the sender has send, should I choose fit to page or at this scale options, given at the import pop up menu? sorry, I am a bit new in this also, is it always more better to work in 1:1 scale and then rescale it accordingly later once we are done with the drafting? hopefully will get a reply soon, really thank you! regards, kken
  6. thanks! I am aware that for the snap to function, the scale must be same throughout the layers but didn't realize about the other, thanks a lot!
  7. I am still trying to work that out as I am currently having difficulty to snap between layers eventhough the class and layer options are set to show/snap others. Anyway, thank you in advance!
  8. Dear VW friends, I am currently experiencing trouble to snap lines between different layers eventhough the class and layer option have been set to show and snap others. Please advise me on what to do as I have been wasting quite a lot of time to figure it out but to no avail. Thank you in advance!
  9. Yeah, it does work! but will there be any cons using this method? is it not possible to change the solid-infill in 2d view itself without going through openGL?
  10. Dear VW friends, I have been looking to colour-fill black my 3D cylinder in 2d view but without much success. It's either I get a 2d black-solid infill without extrusion or none when I begin to extrude them. Please advise, thank you.
  11. kken

    Wall problem!

    Dear James, thank for the reply. I found out those functions that you have just described and it's working nicely now! thank you so much!
  12. kken

    Wall problem!

    sorry for more questions, I also wonder how do I use two different textures for the exterior and interior of the same wall?
  13. Dear friends, I am currently using vectorwork for my architecture studies. However, I am finding dilemma if I should use the normal basic line tool, 2d polygon or wall component to make a wall in the building. What does architect in practice generally used? I find that wall component is a faster option for me, however, whenever I want to infill the wall to solid black, the whole wall structure will also turn black in 3d setup. Is there a way that can fix this? thanks! Anyway, does anyone usually use the building shell tools to design the 2d and 3d model? or just using the line tool or polygon to design in 2d first and then extrude them to 3d? please advise as I am a tad confuse on the program, thanks!
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