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Everything posted by Akos

  1. Hi, I am evaluating VW and I have some basic questions. - How can I drill a simple hole in a solid? In other programs you have generally 3 types of them, with further setups as depth, taper angle, etc. I wasn't able tot find it in VW even after hours of looking (including manual). Have I to do it with substractions or it is hiding somewhere in a sub-sub-sub menu? - What constraints work for 3D parts at all? - Is there a modification history for parts where I can edit the properties of operations performed on it and rebuilding the modified solid accordingly? - I tried to make a spring by generating a helix, drawing a circle perpendicular to one of its end and gave the helix as the path for the circle. It did not followed the helix, just generated a flat "S" like form between its two ends with the circle as cross-section. How can I do it properly?
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