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Posts posted by VincentCuclair

  1. I seem to remember someone solving this a long time ago by creating 2 launch icons/shortcuts, one for each screen size, however it was a while back and I believe it included a script as well?!

  2. Tools which provide a protractor to define a user plane often cannot find the normal to a surface. I wish for a keystroke or other control to flip, then flop if needed, the protractor through it's 90° plane rotations to set it normal to the easy to find planes.


    I think these 2 should be considered as the same issue.

    I propose an enhancement in 3D snapping to enable this.

    I suggest a sticky 'orientation' snapping function where, when active, selected object planes and/or edges align with any and all available planes and edges that are encountered?

  3. Jim how about a new Forum header called 'Issues' so we can put it all in there? Makes no difference because I usually post a question about potential bugs on the forum first before a Bug submit and subsequently never end up submitting anyway (mainly it gets done by you :) )

    If the management is afraid it will be bad advertising, I don't think it will be because there will be equally many posts about it being fixed and also possible workarounds etc that will reflect positively as a counter argument.....

  4. I got some kind of jinx in this stair created in v2014, even though the railing shouldn't show the inside railing shows anyway, I've fiddled with the usual settings but nothing works.


  5. Sure, Jonathan but then 2.5mm still shows as 7.1pt in the OIP, which means I need to have a list next to my screen showing what that represents in mms, easier if the OIP just shows 2.5mm instead, that shouldn't be too hard to implement.

    Vectorworks has not forced whole point sizes for a version or two.

    True but the default pull down list only shows whole pt options that don't correspond to Iso mm sizes.

    Wouldn't it be easier to set up some text styles and use those to control the text size?

    At the moment yes, but it's a workaround.....and having to change a text size after placing it is still a hassle.

    Text styles in the RB have all settings set specifically, that means using preset styles to simply change the size will destroy other specific settings like Alignment etc.

    I started creating preset styles in v2014 but ended having so many different variations that it became futile (I even had difficulty finding names for the styles to be able to see what their settings actually were.....eg. different alignment settings alone can give up to 9 variations....?!

    The actual list of different variations I regularly need is as follows:

    Size x5

    Alignment H x3

    Alignment V x3

    Fill x2

    Bold x2

    =180 presets!

    The problem really starts when I need to mentally calculate what happens to the same text size in different scaled SLVPs and what I need to do to tweak them to get the correct size in the SLVPs according to Iso standards (i.e. mms) once printed.

  6. I would like an option to universally change any font/text size representations to mm instead of the default pt size in VWs.

    It is practice in larger parts of Europe to use mm in font/text drafting sizes and each time I need to use a font size/text size I first need to 'convert' from pt to mm...this is tedious and frustrating in the end.


    Common font/text sizes are directly connected to the classic Rotring drafting pen and stencil sizes (e.g. 0.18mm, 0.25mm, 0.35mm, 0.5mm etc.) however these sizes are not compatible as it is with VWs whole pt sizes (e.g. 5pt=1.76mm, 7pt=2.47mm, 10pt=3,53mm).

    So basically I want a universal setting that changes all representations, lists etc. for font sizes to mms. on which I will base my whole workflow, template and classing system, as well as being able to see quickly if fonts have the correct size without the need to convert first.

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  7. For me the best/easiest way is using the Move By Points tool (I have assigned D as the keyboard shortcut for this).

    Using the mode setting as shown in the attached image, you can move selected objects by hitting D and/or copy-move them by holding the alt key.


    So basically I do this:

    To move:

    1. select the object

    2. Hit D

    3. Move with mouse

    To move a copy:

    1. select the object

    2. Hit D

    3. Move with mouse holding down alt

    Another advantage of this workflow is that you can copy-move walls that are joined and the Connected Walls Mode is active (though the copies will lose the join.)

    (I also use Cmd/Ctrl C, Cmd/Ctrl V (which is set to copy paste in place) then use the 'move' work flow above, usually I use this when I want a copy of the object from a specific point to another using the smart snaps and guides)

  8. When you explain it that way, wouldn't it be smart if slicing/3D printer software could handle IFC instead/as well?

    Obviously a hypothetical question but perhaps a short cut to be able to introduce the functionality into VWs in the long run?!

  9. I had thought of that as well. The main issue is that we would need to devote large amounts of resources to creating them, when really good and free ones already exist and/or come with the printer you choose.

    Agreed, I suppose the fact that some are open source doesn't matter when it comes to integrating them into VWs?

    Would it be possible to use the existing drivers/software as some kind of 3rd party plugins?

  10. From the Help files:

    "In Corner Vertex mode, press and hold instead of clicking to create a B?zier vertex instead of a Corner vertex."

    I would like an option to switch this functionality off, when I try to draw polylines with straight lines quickly this function kicks in far too often thus preventing me from drafting at a faster speed.

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