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  1. Hi Shelley I was having trouble editing the channel, Dimmer and color in the units them selves. We had a light that was ch 162 and I needed to change it to ch 225, every time I entered the new info it would restore the original channel number. Also after you have assigned a label legend to an instrument you can zoom in on that light an grab the channel or dimmer with your mouse and drag that number around to avoid any obstacles, when I drag the channel to a new location it moves fine, when I move the dimmer to a new location it also moves fine, but in moving the dimmer the channel number moves back to its original location, it then if I try to move the channel number again the dimmer number moves back to its original location. I only had this problem with about 5 lights on my plot scattered randomly through out the plot. Thanks Iamawookie
  2. Ok...so I received a design from my LD and on some instruments i am not able to adjust the information regarding the pipe that the light is hung on. I change the information in the position field and when i hit enter the old info reappears. I have checked and all the instruments are unlocked. Also I am having problems adjusting the location of the channel and dimmers on some lights. This problem seems to not be related to the problem above, as I can adjust the pipe label on these lights. Out of my 400 light, only 2 are giving me trouble. When I click and drag the channel it moves to where I move it to, but when I then drag the dimmer to a new location the channel goes back to its original location. Then I click the channel to move it again and the dimmer goes back to its original location. This design was made with 2008 and I have 2009.
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