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Powerful Tools for Irrigation Design


Coffee Breaks

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Irrigation design for efficiency, analysis, and quantity takeoffs are standard requirements in today’s world of landscape design.


The powerful tools within Vectorworks Landmark allow you to place outlets while seeing product-specified performance. Connect piping in your design that’ll calculate friction loss and hydraulic pressure, while automatically sizing the lateral and mainline piping. And, you can place drip tubing while generating true GPH required per zone.


Once designed, you can analyze, document, and calculate the irrigation network, creating a robust, water-efficient irrigation design.


Learning objectives:


1.&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: Explore the use of the irrigation design tool set in Vectorworks Landmark.

2.&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: Learn how to place outlets, pipe, valves, and drip lines.

3.&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: Practice creating an irrigation network.

4.&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp:&nbsp: Learn how to analyze an irrigation network.

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