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3D Modelling with Vectorworks


Coffee Breaks

Event details

This course is suitable for those who have been using Vectorworks and haven't dared to venture into the third dimension. The course is not aimed at any specific design discipline, but looks at the fundamentals of modelling in 3D, whether that be a custom roof, a pergola, a tensile fabric structure or a piece of furniture.

Students intending to move into the world of BIM (Building Information Modelling) will find the ability to model custom objects with Vectorworks invaluable.


  • Understand 3D viewing tools
  • Create extrudes and sweeps in a multitude of forms
  • Model solids with the interactive Push/Pull and automatic plane detection functionality
  • Use the Taper Face and Deform tools to create just about anything
  • Create detail with Fillet and Chamfer tools
  • Use the Subdivision Modelling tool to create organic shapes
  • NURBS modelling

Find out which tools already draw in 3D, and how to model those extra things you need for your design. There will also be a basic introduction to rendering 3D drawings (OpenGL - available with every Vectorworks licence). Please note that this course does not cover site modelling.


Before attending this course, you will need to have completed the following courses:

  • Vectorworks Foundation


  • Move to BIM with Vectorworks Architect
  • Vectorworks Landmark
  • Renderworks


The cost for the 3D Modelling course is £295 plus VAT, per delegate, when taken as part of our public schedule. Vectorworks Service Select customers taking this as a public scheduled class will receive a 10% discount on this cost. The discount does not apply to one to one training, company-specific training, or onsite training. Course rate includes tea, coffee, essential chocolate biscuits and snacks. (Special rates for students available if taking this class as a public scheduled class.) Customers, including Vectorworks Service Select customers, seeking one to one, company-specific training, or onsite training, should contact us for a quote.&nbsp:

Register your interest for the 3D Modelling course or call us on&nbsp:01635 580318

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