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Designing Across Multiple Industries


Coffee Breaks

Event details

Attendees will learn from Emmy award-winning designer Kevin Lee Allen how to effectively communicate across multiple disciplines by using Vectorworks Designer. Thanks to its tool sets from the three built-in modules: Architect, Landmark, and Spotlight, Designer offers tools and content to represent and edit exterior landforms digitally, add plants and trees by genus and species, as well as incorporate architectural and entertainment lighting and rigging support for Building Information Modeling techniques. Designer also offers rendering tools to help users draft, model, and present in a single interface.&nbsp:

Allen will walk participants through examples of how the software can assist with scenic design and renderings. Modeling, texturing, organization, and tool usage (including possibly unexpected uses) will be covered, as well as rendering for presentation and creating design documentation.

Attendees will:&nbsp:

  • Explore the expanded features of Designer and how they can enhance projects in the entertainment industry.
  • Work with the Site Model feature from the Architect and Landmark toolsets to develop an accurate landform on which to accurately place outdoor events while considering drainage and sun position.
  • Populate the Site Model with specific plant species found in the Landmark toolset.
  • Learn about the uses of structural steel assembly and wall styles from the Architect toolset.
  • Create New...