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I'm trying to build a workflow that can create plant symbols from data supplied from a spreadsheet. Since create plant style function is not available, my idea is to duplicate an existing plant symbol then replace the record values. I have customized a node which contains CreateDuplicateObject (to create a duplicate of the original symbol), SetName (to assign a name to the new symbol) and Plant_UpdatedTranslat (to give the new plant symbol a different ID).


It seems doing the job. I can see that the symbol has been created, the name and ID have both changed from the Resource Manager preview. But things became strange when I inspect the plant style setting. The duplicate has the exact same name and ID as the original which means the data preview in the resource manager is incorrect. I'm not sure what I did wrong. I suspect some of the plant data cannot be updated by script such as Latin Name, Scheduled Size etc. as the 'Set Record Field' node does not seem to work on tree symbols.


If someone can help that would be greatly appreciated. 


Edited by Shaopeng
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