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Posts posted by G_Hannigan

  1. Just tried to create a new account, clicked on the email link and got this response when I tried to log in:

    "This account is already active. This user account doesn't exist.

    Please contact Abvent or return to the login page"

    Anyone care to translate?

    Well, I clicked on: "return to the login page" and I'm logged in.

    Very strange!

  2. In my opinion fragmentation would not cause problems. Today's disks are fast enough so it isn't the problem it once was.

    Agreed, I cannot prove any cause and effect related to Diskeeper only that, in my case, the problem went away.

    Jeremy, the defrag built into XP is a scaled down version of Diskeeper from the same company.

    I'd try to go back to your previous memory cofig, if possible and see if those symbols trigger the event. Did you mix "old" RAM with "new", or all "new" in the upgrade?

    A Google search of the error message points to a variety of possible causes. Everything from misbehaving apps to registry problems.


  3. More info re this fault - It seems to only happen when I use symbols which I have created myself, existing VW symbols seem ok??

    Did the use of these symbols cause a problem before you upgraded your memory?

    Did you mix old and new memory modules?

    Can you revert to the previous memory setup and see if it still happens?

    A Google search of this problem doesn't point to a single culprit.

    When I had a similar problem several years go, I started using Diskeeper to prevent disk fragmentation. It runs in the background during idle periods and have not had the problem since. Unfortunately, there seem to be so many possible causes that this may not help in our case. If it only happens when using the symbols mentioned above, I would focus on them before doing anything drastic.


  4. Thanks, I'll give it a try. Still, Maxon provides the demo as a download with ability to save. No need to install, just unzip & open C4D, no wasted packaging, printed material or discs.

    I bet Cinema 4D does not have the amount of data that VW comes with. Even the VW service packs come in at well over 200MB. My Vectorworks install is 4.7GB and the install disc is a DVD so its going to have alot of material.

    Its more than likely that a VW demo is going to be too big for a reasonable download.

    C4D R11 demo = 435MB download, ~950MB after decompressing.

    Maxon leaves out most textures and other goodies from the demo, I'm sure NNA could configure something similar. In my 12.5 Arch, the Libraries folder is by far the largest component.


  5. A demo version would be nice.

    Try this link, tick the check box for a trial version!!


    Thanks, I'll give it a try. Still, Maxon provides the demo as a download with ability to save. No need to install, just unzip & open C4D, no wasted packaging, printed material or discs.

    Off topic (sorry), I dual boot my PC with XP and Ubuntu 8.0.4 and found that I am able to open and run C4D from within the Linux partition even though it is installed on the Windows side.


  6. Quality is not the only reason for using external apps, the main problem with having it inside VW is that VW is idle during a render. If it rendered in the background, you could continue working.

  7. Is there official news that VW2009/C4D R11 needs an new exchange plugin? I could be waiting for that to upgrad VW ( and C4D)

    Nothing official. Historically, a new plug in has been required when VW and or C4D versions change. The plug in has been provided to Maxon by a third party - don't know if this is still the case.

    There is an Architect Edition of C4D that includes the VW (and other) plug ins. The R11 Arch Edition release date has yet to be announced.

    I spoke with Steve Ridley at Maxon last week about upgrade options. Here is his contact info:

    Steve Ridley

    Manager, Direct Sales

    MAXON Computer, Inc.

    (phone) 877-226-4628 x5133

    (fax) 805-376-3331


  8. The latest VW Exchange plug in is for VW2008-C4D 10.5. C4D R11 will be released shortly, meaning that a new plug in will probably be required for VW2009-C4D 11, usually a wait of several months.

    NNA (Vectorworks) and Maxon (C4D) are subsidiaries of Nemetschek AG. I wouldn't expect to see much,if any, transfer of rendering technology from Maxon to NNA.

    The Exchange Plug in seems to work better with the more recent versions of C4D. I've had problems going from VW 12.5 Arch to C4D 10.111, but C4D 10.5 seems better. I've also exported as 3ds from VW and opened in C4D(including R11 demo) with good results.


  9. Thanks. Will down load now

    But I'm sure I read on here that NNA has Bought or taken over Maxon or something like that.

    You've got it reversed, from VectorWorks Company description:

    "Company History

    Nemetschek North America,Inc., is a wholly-owned subsidiary of European software giant Nemetschek AG."

    So this could mean that the new VW2009 have the same capabilities as the CINEMA 4D

    Not likely.


  10. Where can I get hold of such a demo?? Please.

    Go to the Downloads Page, you should see Demo Versions as a choice.


    Fill out form (name, email), submit & download page will open. The new version is cross platform - 1 download will work for Mac or PC.

    Hope it is the same from your location.

    I added this to the thread because it seems to be a very powerful marketing strategy, unlike the buy it first & return if you don't like it that NNA favors. I've seen some posts that say you can contact NNA Sales and request a trial copy. Maxon's approach seems more open & friendly.


  11. Somewhat off topic - Maxon will release a new version of Cinema 4D soon. They not only have a demo available for download, it is full function (save, render, etc) for 42 days if you "activate" the download. Nice to be able to test it on your own hardware before paying for the upgrade!


  12. You call InteriorCad a VW plugin, but I can only find a product called Vectorworks InteriorCad. This makes it sound like a full package, not a plugin. No mention of price that I can find. The InteriorCad site gives no info, only a contact number. I recall looking at it several years ago and at that time it was a product that could be purchased separately and integrated with VW, but it was ~$800.

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