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Posts posted by Soccerkd11

  1. Dear god, this mailing list is the most annoying thing I have ever come across. My inbox gets flooded with 27 emails a day that have nothing to do with my knowlage of vectorworks or improving my knowlage of vectorworks. And now I have to jump through 15 different hoops to get my name OFF the list.

    DON'T SIGN UP. It's not worth it.

  2. Comming from someone else in the same situation, wv_vectorworker, I can comepletely understand where you are comming from.

    I work in stage lighting, infact I am at my last semester in a well know theatre school. Also working for a company as the 'CAD Specialist.' I am going to have to say that I really should have payed more attention in the hand drafting class that was required. Yes the computer drafting class is what got me the job, but I am just now (6 months into the job)begining to realize how much I rely on the information taught in hand drafting.

    From a technical stand point, it is much easier for teachers to deal with the problems of teaching a hand drafting class (forgot paper, table isn't smooth, 'how do I tape this up?' ect. ect. ect.) than to deal with every student's computer having a virus, or things are reformated and you don't have the right reference file.

    On a side note, because of an over-inflated ego (I admit it, it's to big) in designing my final project I did it all on Vectorworks. As I get into implimenting it, I NEVER had an up to date hardcopy with me, and the laptop was just no where near as verstal as even notebook paper and a magic marker. I also came across several instances where I was spending more time trying to solve the technical problem (the refrence file missing, and the notorious 'why can't I edit this feild?') than it would have taken me to hand draft it.

    Memory is better added by a tactile sensation, that's why you learn and remember thngs better when you right them down, rather than type them. It my not apply to you specifically, but how many of the students do you think have the exact line weight of a wall compared to a suspened beam memorized. Learning it by hand drafting you remember it better than just setting the line weight to 6 and 24 and moving on.

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