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Posts posted by jaseweil
I feel a little silly asking this... Is there a way to view extrudes with a dashed line or a fill style. I only have the option of a line drawing (no dashed lines) I can change the line color but that is all. I want to represent a beam that I built as an extrude on a plan as a dashed line (representing that it is above the section cut of the plan), there must be a way to do this, however I have been unable to figure this one out. Any help would be most welcomed.
That is really inconvienient. Is this something that will be corrected in the next update????
Has anyone else been having problems with the roof framer in 12.0.1? I never had a problem with the roof framer before, but now it seems to run hips and ridges at all kind of crazy angles, and my rafters dont seem to line up at the ridge, they taper down creating what would be a curved looking ridge. I recreated the problem with several different roofs, including one that was just a rectangle in plan with a hip roof, still had the hips and ridges running at odd angles, although didn't have a problem with the rafters.
What is happening here?
Thank you, that worked just fine. That was all I was looking for, someone who could explain very simply how to change the headings in the schedule to the user defined ones.
As I appreciate your help here Islandmon, I will restate what I said in an earlier post in this thread, I am an architect, not a computer programmer, so I don't really understand where I am supposed to put the database criteria,(nor how to define what my criteria is). Is this in the strings section of the vectorscript plug in editor? Isn't there (or shouldn't there) be an easier way to customize the door/window schedules without having to write code??? Any explanation that a lay person could understand would be helpful. Thanks.
I am sure that I could change the name in the column heading of my schedule, but I still can't get the user field data columns to come up in my schedule when I create it. I just get the standard default data mfg.,model #, accessories, and comments. I tried to paste criteria in one of the existing columns but that didn't do the trick. What do I need to do to see these user fields in my Schedules. It seems that there could be a much more intuitive way to work with schedules and other worksheets, perhaps in version 13 it will be more straight forward as to how to get the information from the data tab of the door/window into the schedule.
Okay, so I changed the ALTERNATE name, not the parameter name, I can use my door tool again, however in the data tab the parameter name comes up (User Field 1) instead of my predefined Alternate name. However, my default value comes up okay. Is there a way to get my defined field name to show up in the data tab instead of User Field 1? Also, that field does not show up when I create my door schedule. Do I need to create a formula in the worksheet to recognize that field in my data tab?
Robert, Maybe I am doing something wrong here, but I am an architect and not a computer programer, so this script stuff is kind of foreign to me. So I went to the vector script plug in editor and selected door, clicked on the parameters, and clicked on the user field 1 and clicked edit. I put in one of my own parameters. Then when I go to insert a door in a wall with the door tool, I get an error message saying vector script error and it won't let me put a door in. What am I doing wrong? Also, the user fields don't seem to appear in a schedule when I create one, is there something else I should be doing to have those fields show up in a schedule.
I would like to customize my door and window schedules so that when I create a door/window I can go the the data tab in the window/door settings and plug in the data that I want instead of the default headings, and would also like to customize the actual door/window schedules in a way that it will still recognize the recorded data ie width/height etc...
I can find no mention of how to do this in the VW manuals.
Thanks for any guidance
your tip of creating overlapping viewports worked, really well in fact, it looks awesome.
Thanks for the tips guys,
Travis, I am going to try your method, this seems like it should work. EJ, if I am doing your method correct, it only gets close in a perspective, because as far as I know, I can only adjust the rotation and scale of the hatch, and not force it to follow the vanishing points of the perspective. This was actually the first thing I tried and was unsuccesful with getting it to look properly.
I was able to get the hatch imported as a texture, however this still requires me to use one of the renderworks rendering modes, when I really want to use a hidden line with sketch, or shaded polygons, and by putting the hatch in as a texture, I still get untextured/unhatched planes.
As far as using image fills, and pardon my ignorance, I am a new VW user, but in every rending mode my walls/roofs are transparent when I have assigned an image fill to them. Also, I do not know how to assign an image fill to a class, maybe this is my problem.
I need to do a rendering, and I like the hand drawn quality that I get using hidden line with the line options set to sketch. It looks great on flat elevations with hatches for brick and roof tiles, however I am trying to replicate this look in a 3D view, I know I can just render it with textures, but I prefer the look of the hatches. I assign hatches to the 3D element (roof,wall etc..) but when it is rendered in hidden line I just get untextured/hatched planes. I have tried to lay 2D polygons over the view, but the hatches don't orient to the perspective. I guess the problem is that hatches are strictly 2D, but does anyone know of any other way to acheive this look. I also tried 3D polygons, but was unable to get that to work either.
Does anyone know an easy way to calculate the area of roofing that my building has? It has a combination of hip and gable roofs at different pitches. Is there any tool that I am overlooking that will calculate the area of the outer face of a roof face, or better yet, take my whole roof and tell me the amount of roofing material needed.
Okay, that worked, albiet a very counter intuitive way to order the column. Any advice on how to fix my window schedule where it brought in each record 4 times, and how to avoid it doing this in the future.
When I create a window or door schedule and place it on my document it always places the doors or windows out of order of my labelling preference, ie: D-09 then D-02, then D-12, I can't figure out how to change the order of the doors or windows listed so they will be in ascending numerical order. The manual is of no help. I also brought in a window schedule on a residential project and it brought in each window record 4 times. How do I clear this up, and avoid this happening in the future.
I have had a problem with extruded objects rendering properly in the hidden line view and artistic renderworks views. It leaves off one or more lines at edges when the view is rendered. Has anyone else had this problem? Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for clearing that up.
Thanks Katie,
What is the difference between dwgR12, R13 etc.....Is there one that will work better for me.
I am new to Vectorworks and have not yet imported a dwg or dxf file. I need to purchase a house plan in a CAD form, the following file formats are available:.aec,.dwgR12,.dwgR13,.dwgR14,.dwgR2000 or .dxf
I am running Vectorworks 11 on a mac. Does anyone out there know which of these files are compatible and which will give the best results importing into vectorworks.
The stair is not as strange as it sounds, and it is for a real house, but strangely enough, I have designed sets for a Tim Burton film. I will try to ungroup the PIO and tweak it from there. Will the handrail tool still work on this after I ungroup and tweak it or will I have to create this independently?
I am creating an odd shaped staircase, one that tapers in before it takes a left turn. The only way I can seem to create this is by creating a staircase wider than I need and using the subract solids command from the model menu to subract the area of the stair that I don't need. I then have a problem getting the handrails to work because the handrail command doesn't recognize the stair as a stair anymore. Is there a better way to create this shaped stair.
I am a new user, my apologies if I am missing the obvious. What is the best way to create accurate window trim, casings, sills and aprons? Is it best to create a window object and the then create a symbol out of it and edit it this way? Is there a way to create different moldings using the trim styles (ie:style 1, style 2, etc.. in the object info box?
Thanks for any tips
in General Discussion
Yes, I know that attributes panel controls dash styles and fills, but my problem is that when I change those attributes with an extruded object I do not get a dashed line in my wire frame drawings. If I double click on the extruded object to modify it, it shows as a dashed line, but when I go back to the overall plan that I am working on it shows it as a solid line.