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Posts posted by Floriaan

  1. Good to hear! Thank you. As we use not only Vectorworks, but also Capture, Wysiwyg and ETC Eos software in our studio, please let me know if we can be of any assistance. This summer we will have some time for testing, before our regular production schedule picks up in late august.

  2. I do not completely agree with what you are saying (I think that in the majority of the cases layers from other CAD programs correspond 1:1 to classes in VW), but in a way it is not important what my personal opinion is. The problem is that importing and exporting back and forth does not reliably work between apps from different software manufacturers although they say they embrace the same standard. 

    Also the results vary between

    - initiating a file in VW, importing in app X, export from app X, importing back into VW

    - initiating a file in app X, importing in VW, exporting from VW, importing back into app X

    - throwing an app Y in the mix somewhere

    - using fixtures from the Spotlight library or those that are not in the GLTF library.


    Are there still regular meetings between all of you in the consortium? Please keep talking to each other. We all benefit!


  3. Vectorworks imports layers from .mvr files as Design Layers. At the same time it exports only Design Layers to .mvr layers, it simply ignores the classes you have set up. I think this is not very useful, as every other app uses layers to separate the "What" instead of the "where".

    [edit] It also means that you loose a.lot of granularity in terms of be able to edit the file once it is exported to another app.

    It would be great to either reverse the way you handle layers in .mvr files from and to other apps or introduce an import (and export) dialog box like the one you do with .dwg files.

  4. As the GLTF library is very limited still compared to the library of ‘Spotlight’ fixtures, it would be great to be able to associate a certain fixture from the Vectorworks library to the ‘long fixture id’ from the mvr file. This is especially helpful if you go back and forth between Vectorworks and other software (where you can do things like change the patch, change an accessory, etc. )

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