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Posts posted by DeuxDesign
Maybe I'm missing something, but I went through everything you
stated above- removed everything from both VW and C4D that
related to the plugin plus before re-installing I had the installer
run the uninstall program just to be sure. Then reinstalled the
plugin copied the plugin to the VW plugin folder made a new
work space and I still get the same Unknown file format? This
brings me back to my question I notice ola is running VW 10.5.1
and this worked for them but I'm running VW 11.0.0 and I keep
having the same problem opening the file in C4D? Also I noticed
that down in the left corner of the export dialogue box it says:
Cinema4D export verision 10.5.5, does this mean that it isn't
reading VW11 files correctly?
ola's set up shows OsX 10.3.4 isn't the problem, so does someone using VW11 not have this problem?
Curious BaRa what version of software are you running?
C4D when I go to about says v8.503 oxygen.
Checked the preferences and for VW Import :
Default Texture Projection set to spheric
Scale Factor set to 0.
At the present time I have the R1 plugin running in VW
and any file I export from VW works fine.
If I switch and use the R2 plugin the export seems
as It is working normally but C4D will not oppen the files
giving a warning unknown file format!
I'm surprised that Maxon tech support doesn't have a
machine running 10.3.4, they said it a paid upgrade so
they can't put it on their machine, It would seem as much as
C4D costs they could afford one copy of panther to test
problems. I hope the sames not true at VW tech support?
So is the problem in OsX 10.3.4 or VW 11 - C4D 8.5?
Multi-views would be a nice feature I find it helpful when
using Cinema4D. What I and other probably use is the
numbers Keypad to switch views quickly.2,4,6and 8 for
front,left,right,rear and 5 for top view.1,3,7 and 9 for
your iso views.
Hello, I've also posted this in the renderworks disscussion
I'm curious if any one has received the new version of the
plug in and it's working fine? Maxon tech support is looking into it but I was wondering what others experience if any has been. My set up is Mac 10.3.4, VW 11 and Cinema4D 8.5.
The older plugin works fine but the new version after the export wil not open in C4D, it says the file is of unknown file format. Does anyone have a machine running similar configuration and everything exports and opens ok? If anyone doesn't know the plug in is a free upgrade, you only pay shipping and handling.
Maxon support only has machines running 10.2.8, so they
can't fully test the problem to see if it Os related? Has anyone
at VW tested the plugin under 10.3.4?
I'm curious if any one has received the new version of the
plug in and it's working fine? Maxon tech support is looking into it but I was wondering what others experience if any has been. My set up is Mac 10.3.4, VW 11 and Cinema4D 8.5.
The older plugin works fine but the new version after the export wil not open in C4D, it says the file is of unknown file format. Does anyone have a machine running similar configuration and everything exports and opens ok? If anyone doesn't know the plug in is a free upgrade, you only pay shipping and handling.
Maxon support only has machines running 10.2.8, so they
can't fully test the problem to see if it Os related? Has anyone
at VW tested the plugin under 10.3.4?
Dennis Dix
Deux Design
Thanks Tom, I ended up doing a sweep from a poly line and it worked out about the same. I'm trying to start all drawings as
3D objects, because of the ability to see all the diferent perspectives. Generally I extrude polylines or sweep, add or subtract solids, but haven't found a "rule of thumb" as to when or why to change to nurbs or meshs to complete an object.
I would of thought that once I changed the above shape to a nurb I should have been able to select the center vertex and
and weight it in towards the center! I guess pushing and pulling
on vertices and edges is a little organic for what VW's 3D tools
can do at this time?
I'm have problem creating what should be a simble shape!
What the end shape is a round pad with a button in the middle,
and it pulling the pad in at the center that given me the problem.
1. I start by making a 60"circle and extrude 4"
2. then fillet the surface 1/2" with the (fillet tool) to give the pull of the fabric at the edge of the foam
3. This is the step were I can't seem to progress.
Do I convert the object to a Nurb to modify the top surface?
Seems I should be able to take a vertex at the center of the
and move it down in the Z direction! Have moved the working
surface still can't seem to find a way to control the center of
the surface.
Maybe I need to approach it as a sweep extrude?
Also would sweeping a curve be the best approach
for making the button?
Any help is appreciated.
Have already sent you a copy of the file to look at.
Thanks for looking at this for me. I can give you a heads up that when I import using custom / units determine automatically /and change the model space scale to fit paper space not
the 1:1/ and convert dimensions to groups / things seem to work out fine.
Dennis Dix
I have a question about importing DWG/DXF files, and a strange things that happens to the Dimensions on import. First off I'm using VW11 and can only say the improvements on importing are much less troublesome,
(thank you NNA).
What is happening when I import a file using the default setting, the crosshair (short line at 45 degrees)
which is the dimensioning style used not arrow heads, the reference line act like rays and lengthen. And changing the
import settings to custom, and grouping the dimensions the crosshair line don't lengthen but changes weight to 150?
Any thoughts on how to change this other than going in and edit group and change the line weight?
Maybe the file needs a different dimension style before it is
imported? I've looked at the manual
and haven't found anything dealing with this. In both cases the drawing is difficult to read until the dimension lines are adjusted.
New Cinema4D plugin problem
in Rendering
I found out the problem!!!
There was another folder that needed to be removed.
I had thought I removed everything but I was only looking
and dealing with the "exchange plugin" folder and there
was another in the following search path:
\ Maxon \ Cinema_4D_R8 \ plugins \ VW_Imports_R8
remove it but leave the folder that says VectorWorks if
you have installed the R2 plugin.
On a side note trying to workout this solution I came across
a thread about changing the units in both programs to similar
formats ie: centimeters, inches , it helps the correctness of
scale on imports/exports. Makes sense!