Janis Kent
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Posts posted by Janis Kent
You would need to set up a new layer for the 2nd floor with the appropriate z and *z (?z) values. Then create another new layer and use the Create Layer Link command. This will grab the information for the first floor layer and the information for the second floor layer and place them at the correct height on this third layer
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
It is actually the Move Page tool which is located under the Pan tool. Be aware when using this tool that it would have an adverse affect if you had already used the Create Layer Link command. It will also have an effect on the origin point and the Workgroup Referencing.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
quote:Originally posted by sandarc:Do most people draw on classes or layers or what combination of both. I'm training the office to draw on classes, but it's hard to get people to change.
I had contributed an article on using classes and layers posted on NNA website. It goes through a number of reasons to use layers and if it does not meet one of those 6 criteria, to differentiate by class.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
quote:Originally posted by RLKHydro:Hi, Janis--I know exactly why our files are so large, it is because of imported bitmaps and .dwg files. We do a lot of site work, so sometimes need to plot a survey on top of a quad map (USGS topo) or a scanned aerial photo. We also import .dwg files from the county courthouse which have property boundaries, road easements, etc. on them. There really isn't a lot we can do to get the size of these files down--sometimes the elements that were actually created in VectorWorks will add up to less than 50K in size. We don't do any rendering at all.I find your books useful, too!Barb NelsonRLK Hydro, Inc.
Workgroup Referencing works really well for those DXF/DWG files. I would set up one file for just the import & import as separate layers, not classes. Then in another file, reference just those layers of the import you need.
I would do the same on those bitmap image files - make those in a separate file & reference them so you only have to bring in info you need. Then on the referenced layer in the target file, plot the survey & then ut the referenced link once you don't need it anymore.
Of course, if you need the whole thing, you are right, it won't make much of a difference memory-wise, but it is still a neater way to work with those different types of files.
Glad you like the books too.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
quote:Originally posted by Colman Stephenson:Interesting general discussion has arisen about the size of VectorWorks files. Janis, it seems that lots of people work regularly on files much bigger than 5Mb.
Colman- I know of a lot of people who work on large files - it doesn't necessarily mean that that is the best way to work. File sizes are certainly larger than they use to be, but it would help to streamline the file down by both, using memory efficient objects and WorkGroup Referencing. The textures for rendering do increase the file size a lot, though. I bet if I had a look at some of those files, I could get the size down a large perentage, which would make the program more responsive as well.
Glad you find the books helpful!
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
You may have the preferences set at just one or 2 days & the messages may be posted before that - just readjust the preferences on top.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
quote:Originally posted by brzasa:I'm learning to create 3D drawings and I am trying to figure out how to dimension them. If I place dimensions while in the Top/Plan View, even with an extruded item. When I switch to Right Isometric. The dimension lines stay in the exact spot where they were placed in the Top/Plan View. How do I get those to also view in an Isometric mode?
Dimensions are 2d only so they do not project into 3d. If you were doing a straight elevation, just dimension the elevation. But if you are dimensioning an isometric, you would need to place the dimensions on the plan layer, and then create a new layer and use the Create Layer Link to the plan layer making sure you have the project 2d objects box checked. The dimensions will appear in the linked layer in an isometric view. Also, an isometric view can not be dimensioned any other way since the dimensions are actually about 2/3 of what they should be, unlike a true architectural isometric.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
Any of the Solids or Boolean commands did not become available, I believe, until version 7. What you would need to do is upgrade.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
The size files you are talking about are quite large. At the very least they would slow down the responsiveness time. RenderWorks does tend to jack up the size of the files, but if you are not using this it means you have many objects.
Recently on the VW listserve there was a discussion on the number of objects you can have in a file. Apparently this has an effect on Shaded Solid Render and if you have over that magic number and use that integrated rendering choice it can stop modifications of any kind. What I would suggest is looking at WorkGroup Referencing so that this information is subdivided among several files & then I would also look at using more efficient object types.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
If you are receiving a file from VectorWorks, ask for it in MiniCAD 7 format. The only other way would be to ask for a PD file.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
Is this a computer that you leave on all of the time? If so, do a Restart. I believe that has something to do with cache memory.
But, I think the main reason is the size of your file - 6 MG is BIG particularly if you are not doing any rendering. Not knowing how your files are organized, my guess is that you are making tons of duplicates rather than making use of symbols and using layer linking. Also, you may be making use of lines rather than shapes - ie 4 lines instead of a rectangle. If you are on the most current version of the program, my best guess is the file size. Aside from symbols & object types, you might also be able to better manage file size by using Workgroup Referencing and setting up smaller files. BTW, number of classes & layers should have no impact.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
First of all, although 192 MG of RAM use to be a lot, these days it is not - and allocating 78 to VW is very small if you are doing any kind of involved 3d or spread sheets or rendering. And a document of 6 MG is HUGE. So the short on memnory issue is probably accurate.
I would suggest buying more hard RAM & allocating more to the program, turning off virtual memory, getting your multiple undos down to a smaller number, turning down your 2d & 3d conversion resolution to a medium or high, & then the hardest issue is to look at why you have such a huge file & making it more efficient.
Hope that helps.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
quote:Originally posted by Archken:Why don't grouped walls show their handles when they're layer-linked?
Objects within a layer, whether grouped or not, appear as one object, not individual, on a linked layer. Just the way it is.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
I think I was getting a little confused with the terminology you were using. A linked layer will show "handles" only for the whole layer - not for individual components. You can still snap and get smartcursor cues at various points on objects in a linked layer, although the cue itself will be different than on the original layer. Whatever - glad you were able to solve the problem so the file is working for you again.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
The Solids commands do not work with certain types of objects and if one was selected...It will not work with grouped objects (including symbols & PIOs), open meshes, or 2d objects.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
quote:Originally posted by Caleb Strockbine:How would the user be able to tell that something was actually undone, then, if the thing happened to be outside the current view? I can see people hitting undo many times in an effort to get it to work, and all the while they might be undoing half their drawing without realizing it!
What you would do is separate the view Undos from the creation undos. Other programs do this. In essense, the existing Previous View command does this. Just make the Undo command have no affect on views/magnifications. In fact, why not make Option Undo, undo the views, and Undo undo the creation.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
You are most welcome. I might consider doing one on RenderWorks, but I have been told it is very easy to learn - on the other hand... See what some of the tips & hints Dan & Paul have in the WorksManual & see if that helps you. I think a lot of the rendering stuff is just trial & error, that is once you get a handle on how best to manipulate it all.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
quote:Originally posted by embarc:I'm delighted with VW in general, and am mastering Renderworks. But I sorely miss a decent manual and step-by-step guide that takes me through topics like lighting, materials, transparency, etc. The manual that came with the software is very skimpy the farther it goes into the program. Is there any really good third-party manual with examples? I've noticed the CD collection, but really need only the RW item, not the $200+ package.Any sources or ideas?
The WorksManual has 2 chapters on Rendering, one by D Jansenson on Advanced Presentation Techniques and the other by P Amirault on Advanced 3d & Animation. While neither chapter is meant speifically for RenderWorks, there are a lot of tips & hints specific for the program. You can visit our website for more info at http://www.improbability.com
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
quote:Originally posted by embarc:How do I get rid of these phantom elements?
What you need to do is force a screen redraw. Do this by double-clicking the Pan tool, or by selecting the Pan tool & clicking once on the drawing window.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
Although, I personally do not use the program for this, I do know there are other users who use it for event coordination. There is no tool bar, per se, but you can create your own symbols for the various fixtures, furniture, & equipment, attach records to each and keep this in a template for easy retrieval. You can also set up a worksheet so quantities are easily tabulated. There is some setup up time initially, but this is also a good way to learn the program, & once set up, it is smooth sailing.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
One other thing you might consider - is to press the Shift key when inserting the symbol. You would still have to double-click, but it would keep it constrained to vertical, horizontal or 30/45 degrees.This way the odds of having it rotated upon insertion are much less & I usually find I have one hand near the Shift or Option key anyway so it is not too muh trouble.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
quote:Originally posted by Mark:I'm trying to cut a hole for a stairwell into a floor that was made using the Floor... command. Subtract Solids... doesn't seem to work. I changed the floor back to its regular polygon, then extruded it (seems like the Floor... command did the same thing) and then was able to use the Subtract Solids... command. Am I on the right track? Am I missing something?As another note, I'd like to thank everyone who has helped me out and everyone who will help me in the future.Mark
The difference between using the Floor command and the Extrude command, is that the Floor command creates a hybrid object - one that has a 2d component as well as a 3d component whereas the Extrude command creates only a 3d component. If it is hybrid the 2d component can show a fill color as well as a pattern without having to render it solid.
To cut a hole - just select the Floor object, then Edit Group - you get back to the original 2d object and can use the Clip tool or commands, then Exit Group & you get back to your hybrid floor with the hole as part of the object
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
The WorksManual has a chapter for the performing arts written by David Zemmels who teaches theater & computers. You can visit our website for more info.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
quote:Originally posted by mdilday:Is there a function that will enable me to enter the length of a line and it will draw the line to that length?
If you double-click the tool icon itself, a Create Line dialog box opens allowing you put in the delta X&Y of the line or to do it by angle and length. You can also place it either by coordinate location or by next click of the mouse. Many tools if you double click have these "Create Object" dialog boxes.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual
calculations across worksheets
in Site Design
Yes. You would use the following formula
= 'name of other worksheet' : cell location in other worksheet
basically, after the equals sign (=) you would type in the name of the other worksheet within single quotes, being careful to use upper and/or lower case exactly as the other worksheet is named. then a colon mark and the cell location such as B4 or D2.
Janis Kent, AIA
author WorksTutorial & WorksManual