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Posts posted by AnaisR

  1. Hi everybody,

    I am currently creating orbit animations (around the center of the object) of an object with a "stainless steel" texture, and so highly reflective.

    For an orbit animation, it is the "camera" that turns around the object and not the object that spins on itself. This means the lighting changes according to what view of the object the camera has.

    My animation look kind of funny because of this, the lighting performs a sort of "flashing" effect, very ugly.

    I've tried using only "ambient light", but the flashing persits. What exactly does ambient light do? Is there a way to obtain a uniform lighting from all sides of the object?

    I thought of spreading some lights around a circular path around my object, but it is quite high and complicated, I need to put lights at different hights and the shadow effects become very messy.

    Has anyone encountered this problem?

    Does anyone have any solutions?


  2. Hi katie,

    What I mean is changes that cannot be done in the 'Edit sheet' dialogue box.

    For example, if I want to change the view of the sheet, I need to go to the sheet, change the view, and then save a new sheet with the same name.

    Is there any way around that?


  3. Hi,

    I have created a file that uses many workgroup references and imported symbols. I have saved it many times while I was building my assembly and when I was finished and closed the file, I got some sort of message "Data has been corrupted. Will save as much data as possible", something like that.

    This morning, trying to open the file i get the following msg:

    "This files is damaged. It will open with as much data as possible." I click OK and then get

    "Runtime Error!

    Program:C:\Program Files\Vectorworks10.5\Vectorworks.exe

    Abnormal Program Termintion"

    which is somethings to read as vw crashes.

    The file is on our server. I have transferred it to my computer and still cannot open it. Nor can I can I open any files that are workgroup referenced to this file.

    Should I keep hope that my file will be re-usable one day?


  4. hi,

    I am setting up a batch rendering, and cannot give my renderings jobs names.

    The msg VW gives is:

    "The operating system cannot create a file with this job name."

    I have tried changing the name of the job and none of them are accepted.

    This means I cannot use the Batch Render.

    Does anyone have an idea of why?

    cheers, anaisr.

  5. hi,

    I am setting up a batch rendering, and cannot give my renderings jobs names.

    The msg VW gives is:

    "The operating system cannot create a file with this job name."

    I have tried changing the name of the job and none of them are accepted.

    Does anyone have an idea of why?

    cheers, anaisr.

  6. I am mistaken, in the post I am talking about, you (katie) said I should find info about Generic Solids in the help file for 10.5.

    However there is no reference to generic solids in the help file for 10.5. Nothing in the index and nothing in the 'editing 3D objects' chapter.


  7. yes that works.

    I was trying to get info about "generic solids" and you said this was an addition to 10.5 and there was no information about GSs in the manual, but that there was some on the website.

    I could not find any. I am looking for the properties and possibilities of Generic Solids.


  8. Hi Katie.

    If I apply a texture directly to a plug-in, it does not render, even under Fine Quality Renderworks. I need to convert them Nurbs first.

    Also relating to a previous conversation: I think you said there was a Online Manual on this website, but I can not find one, is there one?


  9. Hiya everyone.

    I am working with the Nuts and Bolts 3D tools and would like to give them some textures I have defined. What is the best way to do this?

    I have tried converting to NURBS and that works, but is there something I can do to apply a texture *and* keep the plug-in data accessible?



  10. Yes we need the change to apply to all documents, so we'll keep the workgroup referencing.

    Back to prb:

    I apply the texture to solid substraction before converting it to a generic solid. i then obtain a generic solid who already has a texture applied. the same when i convert this GS to a symbol.

    So the texture is applied before the symbol is created.

    does that answer the question?

  11. Hi katie, thanks for responding so quickly. This is a very urgent matter for us!

    1)With respect to your first post I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean.

    I have a solid substraction with a texture. I copy/paste it onto another layer, then model->convert to generic solid. I then copy/paste the gs onto a third layer and then organise->create symbol. When I am creating the symbol I use the 'options' button to have the symbol's class set.

    I'm not sure this is the quickest way to go, but I want to keep track of my construction tree which is why i always keep a copy of my solid substraction.

    2)I also looked at the 10.5 help file for vectorworks, mechanical and renderworkds and I couldn't find any info on generic solids. Could it be on the web?

    3)We haven't set up our textures etc as a template, because we want the option to change them later on. If i set up a template and then later change its contents, am i right to think that this is not retroactive?

    What I have done to save time, is to set up the workgroup referencing in the template.

    4)Finally, is it *theoretically* possible to use the workgroup referencing in the way that I was discussing earlier? I find it hard to understand the limitations of vw just from the manual sometimes.

    Cheers for all the info!


  12. Hi katie,

    I have been trying all (european) morning to sort this out as we have an upcoming deadline that was not prepared for this problem!

    I have found that I don't have this problem if I make the symbols directly from the 'solid substraction' instead of first transforming it to a Generic Solid and then into a symbol.

    Then I can link already-linked documents.

    But now our symbols are big again! Do you have any information about the limitations of Generic Solids? There is absolutely no information in the Help files.

    thanks for everything. anaisr.

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