Updated to SP5 (Win10) and now NONE of my files that have DWG files imported into them will open. As soon as the file opens, Vectorworks immediately crashes and closes. I can even start a new file using my template file because it was based off a DWG file. Does anyone have a workaround? How do I revert back to SP4? It was working just fine. Never should have updated.... Please help!
Tech Bulletin: Fifth Service Pack for the Vectorworks 2018 Product Line Now Available
in Tech Bulletins
Updated to SP5 (Win10) and now NONE of my files that have DWG files imported into them will open. As soon as the file opens, Vectorworks immediately crashes and closes. I can even start a new file using my template file because it was based off a DWG file. Does anyone have a workaround? How do I revert back to SP4? It was working just fine. Never should have updated.... Please help!