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Posts posted by NickVann

  1. Hi Conrad!


    I tried adjusting the snap grid before placing a device but that doesn't seem to affect the size of connectCAD devices placed on the floorplan.  6" spacing vs 600' spacing makes no difference in the size.  


    Should I be placing the devices on a layer with the same scale as the floorplan (ie. 1:50).  The only other option that I see is to turn off Unified view and place the device on the schematics layer at 1:1... but then things like estimated cable lengths are not correct.


    I'm newish to VW so sorry if I'm missing something obvious.





  2. I'm interested in using connectCAD to do some IT layouts with Vectorworks (spotlight).


    Is there a way to use connectCAD to place symbols on the DWG floorplan of the building, specify rack locations, equipment in racks, and then make the connections between the devices (access points, cameras etc connected to switches). 


    I see that it works well for doing schematics where scale isn't really and issue, but I can't seem to find a good way to utilize it with a proper floorplan.


    My end goal is to be able to layout the devices on the floorplan, and run cables from specific ports on switches in racks and have the cable run, rack, switch, switch port and device all be associated and be able to use that information in reports.





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