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Nicholas Kargel

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Posts posted by Nicholas Kargel

  1. When you adjust the beam and spread of a RW spotlight, it changes the softness of the edge of the light. If they're the same, it's sharp. If they're different, it gets increasingly softer. Adjusting the beam and field of a lighting device doesn't do that. The beam and spread options (with the little angled interface) are there for a lighting device, but greyed out.

    I just saw that it works on a source 4 PAR, but not a 50deg or other ERS.

    So, I repeat: how do I make a soft-edged gobo projection?

  2. I'm finding occasional odd behavior when in edit mode for an extrude. Sometime I can drag a polygon, say, and when I release the mouse, it will jump to a different location. Or a different object in the extrude will jump. Seems to be related to the view, maybe viewing the polygon from a different angle than when it was extruded, but I can't suss it out. Besides, used to be I could edit an extrude and see the original polygon, no matter what view I'm in when I enter edit mode.

  3. I am rendering a stage set that uses translucent panels. They have a texture with backlit reflectivity and plain transparency (87% opaque). I have spot lights behind them. I created some extrudes to keep the lights behind various units from spilling and blending, so I can have the panels blue and columns yellow. In final RW, if I look from behind, the light is shielded as expected, but from the front it's as if the shields aren't there, without changing anything but the viewing angle. This is the first time I've tried this in VW2012; worked fine in VW2010.

  4. I'm having a problem where I create some polygons, and extrude them, and then am unable to snap to the extrude. I've checked my constraint settings. I copied and pasted the extrude into a new file and can snap to it fine. I deleted and re-created it in the original drawing and still can't snap to it. Baffled.

  5. For my workflow, I do most everything in 3D. I often start by making simple 3D representations of my units in a class I call "shell." This is equivalent to sketching. I'll use the shell as a guide to create accurate 3D models with different classes for different materials, such as plywood skins, wood frame, metal frame, trim, etc, and eventually turn "shell" off. I tend to put each unit of my stage set (each wall or platform, etc) in its own designer layer. I can use unified view (or design layer viewports in some cases) to see the whole set together. Then I can use visibilities to create sheet layer viewports that can display each unit individually, or show just the frame, or whatever.

    I don't get into symbols very much, but they could be useful to create a very clean ground plan by creating a simple 2D symbol attached to the 3D unit.

    I will sometimes do a 2D detail drawing if I can't get a clean looking view of the 3D model. Often I'll create the 3D view in a viewport, draw over it in annotations, then turn all the classes off so my drawing is all that is visible.

  6. The process I use is this:

    in the resource browser, under the resources dropdown; new resource; renderworks texture. For color use "image color;" import an image file; navigate to your file. Set reflectivity to constant. Click OK.

    Select the projector, in the OIP, edit screen image. Your new texture should now appear in the "screen image" drop down.

  7. This is an odd one--I suspect a corrupt file but thought I'd see if anyone had any insight.

    I've created a viewport on a sheet layer, and some object are appearing three times, rotated from each other around the z axis. This is occurring on multiple computers.

    I'll attach two screen shots. The first is of the design layers (all layers visible, all classes visible, unified view. All layers have the same scale). The second is the viewport taken from that view.

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