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Posts posted by LMalkin

  1. I do think this the new version is a step in the right direction. I am seeing symbols for martin and clay paky that have been missing for a few years these are lights that are in heavy use and we are finally seeing them. btw, has anyone tried the color kenetics symbols with any luck. they seem to list as spot but we all know strip bank is not a spot.

  2. Hi mike thanks for taking a look. that is interesting and weird. The symbols are in the vectorworks 2009 library for varilite. Does anyone know if this is a common problem with the vl1000 symbol? as you probably notice all the have the light coming from the c clamp. is that supposed to be that way?

    "(This used to be the way all symbols were done.)"

    To all I would post it but its really large (40mb) if you would like to see just email me at drlights@earthlink.net and I will usendit on to you.

    It seem Nemetshcek hasn't corrected the problem.


  3. Hi guys this something i figured out just recently and it has bugged me for years. this is a way to make the a truss sit at any angle including vertical. didn't know this till a few days ago thought i'd pass it on. there is a more complex way which involves changing the working plane vertical. this is easier.

    Leo malkin

  4. If you want to build a really snazy looking pipe that is a try this:

    1. click the double line tool and set it for Lines and polylines it will create a box also type in 1.5" for the pipe width.

    2. draw to legnth and extrude it (ctrl-e)

    3. repeat the double line on top of the extrude. this will make a hybrid when you convert to light position.

    4. group the objects together.

    5. (optional) if you have positions that are the same legnth. duplicate (ctrl-d) and place where they need to be.

    6. convert all positions to light positions and name them.

    7. give them a height and place you lights.

  5. Hi all,

    I have been reading you posts and decided to try it as i have had some problems in the past. I can get it to work in rough renderworks but rough with shadows or final only gives me half the lights. will be happy to send the file via usendit if anyone is interested in seeing it. any suggestions please let me know. I also figured out how to flip a truss vertically today in a very simple way. if interested let me know.


  6. Hi all,

    I know this is not a job board but i am down to the end of my search barrel. I am fairly good with the program and can navagate through the 3d aspects. Outside of drafting, I have a well versed background in electrics and moving light programming. can fill a multitude of different roles. I will be happy to foward on anyone my resume. Thank you and I hope you don't feel this a misuse of the board. Any leads or points in the right direction would be great appreciated. Please donnot reccommed the entertainment search sites, I watch them prodigiously. I also know that sometimes you just have to reach out to your network.

    Thank you,


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