This is the latest version of a script that is discussed in several other threads. This script creates a worksheet listing all of the possible fields of the first selected PIO on the active layer. It does not work on objects in walls, you will have to put a sample object directly on the layer. The text in column B is exactly what needs to be pasted into a database header cell (preceeded by an equals sign "=") to put the formula into that column.
This version has been modified to individually q
Here is an updated version of the script that fixes a bug of net setting the table large enough in VW2017.
Procedure GetPIORecordFields;
{Creates a worksheet showing the display and field names}
{for the first selected object on the active layer}
{Useful for determining the record.field names required}
{for use in a worksheet.}
{Updated May 2017}
{Fixed bug with table not having enought cells in VW2017}
{Corrected December 11, 2008}
{Now shows correct field types}
{Updated October