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Using Cable Tool for Braceworks Calcs

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I've been trying to find any info on how to quickly create socopex runs on truss for rigging calculations only. As of right now, I am creating several, or more, uniformly distributed loads on single runs of truss, then adding a point load for the cable drop to represent the cables.


I'm thinking there is a faster way of doing this with the cable tool. Ultimately, I'd like to place "fanouts" (or perhaps another object) at certain places along the truss system, then run soco from them to a certain point on the truss and then down to the ground. I don't care about labeling or circuiting... all I want is the weight factor for my BW models.


Can anyone offer any tips for getting started? Perhaps there's some sort of tutorial out there that I'm not seeing?


Any info would be much appreciated.


Thank you



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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hi Luke
The new cable tools are designed with this workflow in mind. The only thing the cable object doesn't do at this point is add the load of any cable hanging off the ends of the truss (down to the ground or to a cable pick) which needs a point load added to account for.
The Vectorworks university has a complete learning path for the new cable tools, which can be accessed through the featured content section.






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