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Katie Look at me (RW Bug?)


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Hello Katie,

Sorry for the delay but I've been swamped. Here is a link to some images with descriptions of settings etc.

This time around I was not experienceing the problem of having to go back and forth a couple of times to get the Fina Quality to work. Maybe that was just the file. I'll try to get it to happen again and let you know what's up.

In the mean time- why is it that Custom Renderworks fails with nurbs and anti aliasing? It seems that Final Quality is the best we can get. ( I was under the impression that we could do better w/ CRW am I wrong?)

Thanks for the help.

Marc RW Images

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I don't know why it's failing for your file. I would need the file to see why.

Custom RenderWorks builds off of Final Quality.

The default settings are that of FQ. You have the ability to change certain things - anti-aliasing, nurbs, textures, ray tracing vs shadow mapped shadows, recursion level, etc. Turning these on and off would make a significant difference between FQ and CRW.

If you are still having problems with the file not rendering well in CRW, please email it to me via tech@nemetschek.net - attn:katie. I'll get to as soon as I can.


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