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Line Type and Speaker Arrays

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I am wondering if anyone else has had this issue. I built a speaker array and assigned it to a specific class with a dashed line. When I render my sheet layer viewports in hidden line the speaker bumper and the geometry I built above it render correctly, but the speaker boxes themselves don't render with the correct line type. Everything is By Class and I've also gone into the Classing dialog for the speaker array and specifically assigned the speaker items to the correct class.


I'm using the speaker array for flexibility. Normally I just model all of my own geometry... which is faster than troubleshooting this type of stuff 😊








Screen Shot 2022-07-01 at 10.19.56 PM.png

array wrong linetype.vwx

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Ok, so doing some more testing. I started with a new file in VW2022 SP4. I exported back to VW2021 to see how it used to render. Here's the comparison. There's inconsistencies here with both line type and solid/not solid. All items are set to By Class and are in the same class. All of the components of the array are set to be classed in the same class.



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