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RenderWorks Tool on Mac

Denis O'R

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I use a G4 400 (329MB Ram) here in the office, with VW & RW 8.5.2 and Mac OS 9.0.4 and Quicktime 4.01, I just got a G4 500 (512MB Ram) for home use with the exact same software as above except for maybe a newer Quicktime.

My question, anyone know why when using the renderworks tool on the same drawing on the faster home computer there is an approximate 2 /3 minute delay between end of geometry count and start of render 0 - 100% count?

This is freaking me out a little! because if the window I draw around my persepective cuts a little bit out by accident, i have to wait 3 minutes before I can use the cancel (command &.) option to retry drawing a correct window.

Mike P. I'm sure with your massive knowledge you can answer this one!

Well I hope so, all replies welcome.


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The only thing that immediately comes to mind is you memory allocations. when rendering you need to keep your VW allocation low to keep enough free ram for the system to use to render. Check to see if your allocations for VW, and Quicktime are the same on both machines.

Good Luck

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VW ram allocation is the same Mike, not sure about the Quick time allocation, which quick time component do I check for ram allocation? ie. quick time player, etc. I actually tried to check ram allocation in all quick time files and I don't get a memory option?

Thanks for the reply by the way Mike, any more help is appreciated....

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Will try de-installing the new quicktime this evening and installing the older version 4 quicktime in its place.

Do I need to do the same with QuickDraw?

If anyone has a list of the Quick..... files that are used by VW and RW I'd really appreciate it being posted here?

Anyone else expeiriencing it on a G4 500, if not what quick time do you use?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I use a G3 B&W with the QT4.02 Pro version and know that the memory allocation locations are for the viewer,player and control box only that I know of.

Other than the Apple web site there are an incredible amount of QuickTime information archived and accessable to anyone at, "The Little QuickTime Page" @ http://www.judyandrobert.com/quicktime/

There you will find all sorts of QuickTime/QuickDraw information as well as a huge host of enhancement links to connected information regarding the QuickTime archtechture.

I also think that having the pro key enhances QuickTime's abilities quite a bit better than the free download version. QuickDraw seems to work best having the developers version but when downloading QuickTime from the Apple web site I have also noticed a slight speed performance difference between the, "Full Version" and the, "Developers Version" in that the simple "Full Version" seemed to out-perform the more serious version for some weird reason. Running yer Mac with VM on or off makes a performance difference as well. I have found that it works a bit smoother with VM (Virtual Memory) on and that when utilizing real RAM allocation to any of the components or the machine itself it is a trial and error deal till you get it set just right or it will act irratic one way or the other. Hope that this helped a little. ")

Your "Preferrences" in either Mac will also play a part in performance when rendering or animating both in the Mac itself and the application. Pref's regarding lighting and textures make all the differences in the world sometimes.

ps: Got any experience with two monitors and VW?

Coloredpencilguy http://members.tripod.com/~Coloredpencilguy/index-2.html

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