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Export Marionette Object as IFC Data


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  • Marionette Maven

Ok, so I'm finding that if I ungroup the Marionette object that I can get it to export to IFC, so I'm digging around inside the network.

I see 4 drawn objects, are you expecting 4 IFC entities to be output? because more IFC properties are being assigned within your script. Just trying to get a handle on things.

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6 minutes ago, Marissa Farrell said:

Ok, so I'm finding that if I ungroup the Marionette object that I can get it to export to IFC, so I'm digging around inside the network.

I see 4 drawn objects, are you expecting 4 IFC entities to be output? because more IFC properties are being assigned within your script. Just trying to get a handle on things.

you are totally right, when i am Ungrouping then i can get 4 Objects which all are with IFC Tags, here there is my big wish if i can assign one IFC tag to all 3 Bottom Objects as a group (although I have done in Below example file) , but i wasn't successful with exporting neither Because IFC Export doesn't recognize Groups as well.

IFC Marrionette (Group).vwx

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  • Marionette Maven

I don't believe it's possible to export groups as geometry with IFC attached, I think you need to attach the IFC tags directly to the geometry.


Please let me know if I'm misunderstanding. I'm still trying to determine why the Marionette object isn't exporting correctly.

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Just now, Marissa Farrell said:

I don't believe it's possible to export groups as geometry with IFC attached, I think you need to attach the IFC tags directly to the geometry.


Please let me know if I'm misunderstanding. I'm still trying to determine why the Marionette object isn't exporting correctly.

actually you are understanding me totlly right, this is our problem as landscape architechts, because the whole 3 layers should be considered as a fundament, and i thought maybe I can make them as a group and give only one IFC tag, but as you said it seems to be impossible. something intresting I Realized you can give IFC tag to a symbol with many objects 😞


do you have any object a a marionette Object that you can export it as IFC, if yes could you please send it to me?


thanks in advance.

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