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Spotlight Numbering Not Working For Connections Bewteen Design Layers


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I am used to using spotlight numbering for connections within a design layer and I remember being able to use it to number connections between design layers.  When I use spotlight numbering for connections in between design layers, it does not properly recall a connection's "Circuit" object where you would select the "Number" field to increment.  Instead the connection object reports as a "Object with Record" that lacks the fields required to number the cable.  I am on the latest version of VW.  Any ideas on where the issue lies?  Thank you





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UPDATE: I figured out what the bug is but not how to solve it.  When selecting the source end of a inter-layer connection, spotlight numbering works.  When selecting the destination end of the connection, spotlight numbering does not work as stated in the original post.  I assume ConncetCad views these connections at each end as different things and not one connection between design layers. 


Is this a current limitation of this version of ConnectCad or is there a way around this issue? Thank you

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

@sbecraft  Well, Spotlight Numbering was not designed to handle the particular case. It is a limitation of Spotlight. The destination end of a cross-layer circuit is a proxy object, not the actual circuit object itself. ConnectCAD's own numbering command takes care of this 'cos we know about it. So why not use that instead?



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