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ConnectCAD Numbering Issues


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I am having issues with ConnectCAD numbering recognizing device names. 
I have the destination device name set as my condition but it doesn't see any of them. Have y'all had any luck with the numbering tools? At this point it's almost more trouble than its worth in my opinion. The end goal is to label cables based on plate names.



LAN on plate LPP01-116A would have a label of 116A-LN01. (LN = Lighting Network)

ETH DMX on plate LPP01-116A would have a label of 116A-LX01 (LX Lighting DMX)





Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 11.08.51 AM.png

Edited by I_Think_I_Know_But I _Dont
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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hello @I_Think_I_Know_But I _Dont,


Can you send me a test file with the devices in it? I tried to reproduce this but everything worked fine on my end. The only thing that I think cannot be done is that the signal number cannot be after the suffix of the device name, so what you can get with this is "LN-116A-01".


Best Regards,

Nikolay Zhelyazkov

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

@I_Think_I_Know_But I _Dont "Number of Circuit objects matching the rule: 0" that gives us a clue. Could there be an additional space after the hyphen? Just thinking aloud here. I also tried this out and was able to match all destination devices named LLP01-<X>.


There's no cable number format set in you screenshot so even if the rule did match anything the number would be empty.

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