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How to disable pull-down menu entries in OIP widgets?

Stefan Bender

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Dear developers,


in one of our PIOs I will need to disable/dim several pull-down menu entries in an OIP widget. The widget is created automatically (it represents a kFieldPopUp field of the PIO record). I don't want to disable the entire widget, just some of the pull-down menu entries depending on the PIO's setings. Does anybody have an idea? 


Thanks for any help.


Stefan Bender

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Hi Stefan


I'm not sure it will work in your case because we create our widget via:

void IProviderShapePane::Init(CodeRefID objectID, IExtendedProps* extProps)
	IWidgetsEditProvider*	widgetsProvider	= NULL;

	if ( extProps && VCOM_SUCCEEDED( extProps->GetObjComponentTypeWidgets( objectID, kObjectRootComponentTypeID, widgetsProvider ) ) )
		widgetsProvider->AddWidget( kWidgetID_SizeType, ....

not automatically via a kFieldPopUp.


But this is how we fill the pull down dynamicly:

void IProviderShapePane::Update( IWidgetsProvider* widgetProvider )
	SWidgetDefinition*	pSizeTypePU = widgetsProvider->GetWidgetByID( kWidgetID_SizeType);
	IWidgetDataPopup*	pPopupData = dynamic_cast<IWidgetDataPopup*>(pSizeTypePU->fpWidgetData);
	std::vector<TXString> listOptions = this->GetListOptions();
	for ( size_t i = 0; i < list_sets.size(); i++ )
		pDataSetPU->Add( TXString::ToStringInt( i + 1 ), listOptions[i] );


Off course, this is not dimming or disabling, but it might work too for you?


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I did some quick experimenting to see if doing something like placing an underscore in front of the display name would lock the choice the way it does with a parameter, and don't see any difference.


I thin this would be a worthy enhancement. I recently had a user confused why a pull-down item disabled other widgets. In theory, the pull-down item itself should have been disabled.

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