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How to avoid crash when opening (and closing) a lot of files during a menu command

Nicolas Goutte

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We are currently limited by the problem that during a menu command only a limited number of VW files can be opened, because, even if are closing them, they are not immediately closed, but only when the menu command is done.


Similarly, such an operation cannot be done either as a migration manager callback.


Does somebody knows a way to get around this?

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The code we are trying is similar to this one.
(The crash comes in both cases, the #if 1 case (real documents) or the #else case (empty documents).

	using namespace VectorWorks::Filing;
#if 1
	// Opening real documents of Libraries\Default in the VW program folder

	IFolderIdentifierPtr libraryDefaultsIdentifiier(IID_FolderIdentifier);
	libraryDefaultsIdentifiier->Set(kDefaultsFolder, false);

	class Listener : public IFolderContentListener {
		EFolderContentListenerResult VCOM_CALLTYPE OnFolderContent(IFolderIdentifier* pFolderID) override
			return eFolderContentListenerResult_Continue;

		EFolderContentListenerResult VCOM_CALLTYPE OnFileContent(IFileIdentifier* pFileID) override
			TXString path;
			if (path.ReverseFind(".vwx") >= 0)

			return eFolderContentListenerResult_Continue;

		TXStringArray paths;

	Listener listener;

	libraryDefaultsIdentifiier->EnumerateContents(&listener, true);

	for (const auto& path : listener.paths) {
		IFileIdentifierPtr pathFileIdentifier(IID_FileIdentifier);
		gSDK->OpenDocumentPath(pathFileIdentifier, false);

	// Opening only empty documents
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
		gSDK->OpenDocumentPath(nullptr, false);



Edited by Nicolas Goutte
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If I remember correctly, we had to add a Progress dialog for our bulk translation of files, otherwise VW crashed. But this issue was almost 10 years ago, not sure it's still an issue.

Also, I've found this in our code, it might be the fix to the same issue you are having?


	gSDK->HandlePendingUpdatesAndActivates(); //workaround for bug in OnFileContent: to trigger closedocument


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