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Can't open Resource Manager - VW 2022 SP 2.1 - Mac OS



I'm having trouble opening my Resource manager in VW 2022 SP2.1 on my Mac.  It works fine on my Windows computer.  I used a different workspace and the RM opened up, but the neither the shortcut key or the menu command wouldn't close/open it.  I could only close it via the x button on the pallet and then I couldn't get it back open unless I switched workspaces. 

I'm on Mac OS Catalina 10.15.6



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I appreciate the suggestion, but it seems like something else.


I was able to get the Resource manager to appear and behave properly in the Fundamentals workspace, but it's doing some goofy stuff in the Spotlight workspace I migrated from VW2021.


Not only can't I get it to show or use the hotkeys, when I went into the workspace editor it showed a completely differnt hot key than what's in the menu.


Not only that, I couldn't change it to Cmd-R, it wouldn't give me an error or anything.


It's very obviously something wrong in the translation between VW 2021 Workspace to the VW 2022 workspace.


Why is upgrading always so painful with this program???

Screen Shot 2022-01-14 at 3.39.20 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-01-14 at 3.40.32 PM.png

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Okay, I was able to fix it.  I had to delete the RM, which actually was linked to a few other menu items.  I then had to repopulate the RM into the menu, but it doesn't show up as RM in the Workspace editor but is part of the "Standard Pallets."


This didn't seem to be a problem for Windows VW 2022.  Not sure where the coding got a hiccup.

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Upgrading workspaces can be an issue. Especially if the workspace started multiple version back.


I always recommend that you take the hour it will take and make a fresh workspace based on the versions that ship with the current version of VW.


If you make a list of the differences from the stock to your workspace it will be even easier to do the changes on your next upgrade.


This will also make sure that you have all the newest/latest/greatest functionality in your custom workspace.

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It could be almost off the screen.  And it could be window shaded so only the header is showing.  When I can't find it it's usually both :-).


If you have multiple monitors, try unplugging all but one to see if it shows up.  (Make sure it has a checkmark in Windows>Palettes)


If you only have one monitor, try changing the resolution temporarily.  


I also find it easier to find the RM and random palettes when not in dark mode.

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